Great Hidden Base Deck

Title: Great Hidden Base Deck
Author: Ryan "Baileybuddy" Hall
Date: Jan 11, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Locations (9)

Alderaan Aquaris x2 Endor Rendezvous Point-Starting Location Roche Sullust Yavin 4 Yavin 4 Docking Bay

Characters (15)

Admiral Ackbar Bren Quersey Captain Han Solo Chewbacca Colonel Feyn Gospic Derek ’Hobbie’ Klivian Elyhek Rue Keir Santage Leia with Blaster Rifle Lieutenant Naytaan Luke Skywalker Obi-Wan With Lightsaber Red Leader Theron Nett Wedge Antilles, Red Squad Leader

Ships (12)

Artoo-Detoo in Red 5 Home One Millenium Falcon Red 1 Red 7 Red 8 Red 9 Red 10 Red Squadron 1 Red Squadron 4 Red Squadron 7 Redemption

Effects (7)

Bacta Tank Haven Starting Effect Honor of the Jedi Insurrecton Starting Effect S-Foila Slayn and Korpil Facilities Squad Assignments Starting Effect

Interrupts (8)

Direct Assault Heading for Med Frigate Starting Int. Organized Attack x2 Punch It Out of Nowhere Rebel Barrier x2

Weapons (5)

Concussion Missiles Enhanced Proton Torpedos x2 X-Wing Laser Cannons x2

Admirals Orders (2)

I’ll Take the Leader x2

Objective (1)

Hidden Base ‘

Strategy: ‘

As you can see this is a space centered deck. The first thing you do is take all your planets out of your reserve deck. Make sure you do not take a planet with the same parsec number as the one you used in the objective otherwise you will have to flip the objective and then you will not be able to deploy anymore planets.

One of the most effects in your hand would be the squadron assignments. This lets you take a matching pilot from a ship from your reserve deck or vice versa. There is not much strategy behind this deck. All you pretty much you have to do is take planets from your reserve deck and deploy the ship and its amtching pilot to them.

When this deck is played correctly It can win agains almost every deck. And the good side of this deck is if your playing an opponent who has a character centered dark side deck you can stop the force drains because most of the pilots have fighting capability.

Thanks for reading my deck. Be sure to rate this one and look at a few others that I have posted. ‘