Hunt Down 2K1 The Missing Chromosome

Title: Hunt Down 2K1 The Missing Chromosome
Author: Casey "Smeg" Barson
Date: Jan 12, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting Cards (9)

Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi/Their Fire Has Gone Out In the Universe Epic Duel Executor Meditation Chamber Executor Holotheaater Visage Of The Emperor Prepared Defenses Mobilization Points No Escape Imperial Arrest Order

Characters (13)

Darth Vader Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith x2 Lord Vader x2 IG-88 With Riot Gun Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand Prince Xizor Grand Moff Tarkin Dengar With Blaster Carbine Janus Greejatus Dr. Evazan Emperor Palpatine (UR)

Interrupts (20)

Focused Attack Evader & Monnok HoloNet Transmission Sniper Imperial Barrier x2 Weapon Levitation Twi’lek Advisor Alter & Collateral Damage Trample Point Man Operational As Planned Omni Box & It’s Worse Oo-ta Goo-ta, Solo? Masterful Move x2 Vader’s Obsession x2 The Circle is Now Complete x2

Starships/Vehicles (5)

Blizzard 2 Chimaera Executor Zukuss In Mist Hunter Bossk In Hounds Tooth

Effects (7)

Search and Destroy Crush the Rebellion Disarmed x2 Security Precautions Visage of the Emperor x2

Locations (3)

Executor Docking Bay Cloud City East Platform (Docking Bay) Death Star Docking Bay 327

Weapons (3)

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber Vader’s Lightsaber x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Lets see, what can I say. Yup, its another Hunt Down deck. Yes It uses dueling. Its basically a ground based deck, but it can hold itself against pretty much anything. I have little tidbits of ”tech” here and there let me go over individual cards you might be questioning in my deck.

Evader & Monnok + Crush the Rebellion Works really well to get a monnok into your hand whenever you need one.

Masterful Move + any of the holograms in the deck. Way cool and should be in most dark decks.

Weapon Levitiation Just a really great card

Oo-ta Goo-ta Solo? In my area Im seeing a lot of the new smuggler objective. This works great because it cancels Kessel Run, Hoses Nabrum or barriers smugglers. Pretty nifty.

Prince Xizor Zukkus on the ground. This guy is a wrecking ball. He can pretty much drop anywhere and kill anything. Wow this guy is amazing.

Everything else is pretty self explanitory. But I will go over how I play anyways.

Start, if you have Vader in your hand drop him ASAP. Pull a docking bay and the Executor into your hand. Good against space. Then just proceed to battle them. Make them come to you with Search and Destroy and draining at your docking bays. If you seem to be loosing the drain race or they put out Luke or Ben, go kick their a$$. You should have enough to take care of them. Destinies are pretty high.

Since everyone kinda already knows how to play the deck, Ill let you use your own strategy for specific deck types since it has been around for over 2 years.

Any specific questions d-mail me. Ill be glad to answer them. ‘