Good old Endor Operations

Title: Good old Endor Operations
Author: Josh "bosh2k" Jacob
Date: Jan 12, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Objectives (1) Endor Operations/Imperial Outpost

Locations(8) Endor Kessel Sullust Kashyyyk Endor Dark Forest Endor Forest Clearing Endor Landing Platform Endor Bunker

Characters (14) 4-LOM with Concussion Rifle Officer Evax Admiral Ozzel Admiral Piett Admiral Chiraneau Grand Admiral Thrawn Darth Vader Grand Moff Tarkin Mara Jade, the emperor’s hand Commander Igar Captain Gilad Pellaeon Commander Merrejk Prince Xizor Guri

Starships (12) Bossk In Hound’s Tooth Zuckuss In Mist Hunter Dengar In Punishing One Boba Fett In Slave 1 Virago Stinger The Emperor’s Shield Chimaera Devastator Conquest Avenger Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser

Vehicles (5) Tempest 1 Tempest Scout 3 Tempest Scout 4 Tempest Scout 5 Tempest Scout 6

Effects (8) Oppressive Enforcement Imperial Arrest Order Security Precautions Perimeter Patrol Lateral Damage Ominous Rumors Establish Secret Base Imperial Decree

Interrupts (8) Ghhhk Imperial Barrier You Are Beaten Twi’lek Advisor Imperial Command x3 Prepared Defenses

Weapons (2) Vader’s Lightsaber Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Admiral’s Orders (2) WE’re In Attack Position Now x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Respons to readers


the hut starts on the other end of the sites, with the db in between, plus my bunker says only moved to from back door, so there is no way luke just waltzes in and is caught, he’ll have to do better than that.

Yes An endor ops. deck that can actually flip Start the game off with prepared defenses, imperial decree, arrest order and oppresive enforcement. however, if you are playing against rebel strike team, use twi’lek and pull perimeter patrol. first turn drop anyone to the bunker to make you opponent think twice before anything happens. Other than that, use walkers to control endor, along with darth and prison @#$% tarkin, igar, the Xizor, Guri and 4-LOM if needed. If you run inot a heavy ground deck on endor, use only admirals in space, and capt. gilad. use merrejk to pull systems, ominous rumors and admiral Chiraneau to drain at them, establish so grand admiral on his Chimaera can drain at endor, and the admiral’s orders to just make the star destoryers kick all sorts of a$$.

Some good combos to look for

Chimaera with Thrawn and Capt. Gilad piloting power 14, armor 8, hyper speed 5, immune to attrition less than 8 with the orders out, two destinies HOLY SH*T

Virago w/ Xizor piloting deploys for a total of 4, power 6, adds a destiny, immune to attrition less than 5

Stinger w/ Guri piloting Deploys for total of 2 power 5, adds a destiny, immune to attrition less than 5

Chiraneau on a star destroyer at sullust Adds 1 to drians at all your systems, becasue they are within two parsecs, for a total drain plus three at each system, and plus 4 at endor with establish out and working.

Forest clearing and any walker power plus 1, force drain plus 1, this site rocks

Dark Forest and imperial force drain plus 1

Imperial Outpost all your at-st’s are immune to attrition less than 3, plus no more than one destiny for opponent, anywhere

this is a good deck against the many destinied deck of WYS. ‘