My kind of Abyssin v2 0

Title: My kind of Abyssin v2 0
Author: Phillip "Karrdeshark" Aasen
Date: Jan 13, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Objectives1 MKOS/FAI

Characters24 Jabba the Hutt Mighty Jabba Mara Jade, TEH Boba Fett w/gun Dengar w/gun IG-88 w/gun Dr. Evazan& Ponda Baba Snoova Bib Fortuna Myo x3 (Rep) Abyssin x10 Gailid Mosep

Starships4 Zuckuss in ship Bossk in Ship Dengar in ship IG-88 in ship

Weapons2 Mara’s Stick Vibro-Axe

Effects11 Scum and Villainy There’ll be Hell to Pay Power of the Hutt (start) YCHF (start against non-SAC decks) There Is No Try/Oppressive Enforcment (start against SAC decks) First Strike (start) Reactor Terminal No Bargain Well Guarded (start) Hutt Influence Den of Thieves

Interrupts13 Ghhhk x2 None Shall Pass x2 Projective Telepathy x2 Abyssin Ornament x3 Twi’lek Advisor x3 Prepared Defences (start)

Locations5 Tat Desert Heart (start) Tat Jabba’s Palace (start) JP Audience Chamber JP Lower Passages JP Entrance Cavern ‘

Strategy: ‘

I have played this deck and I know it works because its 15 and 0 against 15 four star It’s pretty simple to play and doesnt require too much difficult destiny tracking until later in the game. Your goal is to drain/battle them out without being too dependant on either one. I use a very nice little machine that my friend Josk Gatrez cooked up for me that helps me battle better. What you do is get out S and V ASAP and start deploying your Bounty Hunters and Jabba/Gailid and Mosep/Bib Fortuna. Save the Abyssins for canceling drain, Den of Thieves, and later in the game, fining there weakest ground point and deploying six Abyssin for one force each and mutilating them. Now back to the machine. It combines these five cards Projectives Telepathy, S and V, First Strike, Abyssins and Ghhhk. What you do is deploy something to a place that the opponent has presence, on the ground, deploy an Abyssin and initiate battle. You retrieve three force do to S and V/First strike and they lose one force. You then can either cancel the battle with a Pro. Tel. or continue, lose the Abyssin and regenerate him and Ghhhk away the rest of the battle damage. You can also do this in space even against an X-wing swarm. Deploy Dengar, Bossk and IG-88 in their ships at different places. Put Bossk at there weakest point along with one other ship and deploy dengar or IG by themselves. Fight with Bossk and co. and Cancel the Battle with Dengar, then move them all together and they wont be able to knock you down. Repeat as necessary. Some people may think I have low activation but I dont really. Thanks to Jabba himself I activate 1 force every time I drain with an alien so drain even if your draining for nothing. Thanks to No Bargain and None Shall Pass anyone who attempts to invade will have a bear of a time trying to keep their people alive. I can swarm them with abyssins from the Den of Thieves and unless (1) they have the system on table (I dont put it in the deck) or (2) they are playing Nabrun Leids they cant run and they cant hide. You will try to have flipped by your third turn which should be no problem. I have Reactor Terminal so you can recycle all those lovely high destinys (the average red card destiny in this deck is a four). Dont do much battling until your deck is down to about 18-20 cards with about 50% five destinies and clump them together using Reactor Terminal and track them so those nice little X-wings can swarm only to find themselves facing 12+ attrition with no ammunity. Hutt influence will cut any nonsense about canceling my drains because I just match one Abyssin w/ one Bounty Hunter and they cannot stop me. Ive got to go now but I will add anything I think of later ASAP. Thanks for taking the time to read this. ‘