DA SHIZNIT- Palpys Influence

Title: DA SHIZNIT- Palpys Influence
Author: Alex "george3785" George
Date: Jan 14, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (8) BHBM/Busta Cap in yo A$$ Insignifigant Rebellion Your Destiny Prepared Defenses IAO MOB. Points Any other Effect Palpy’s Ruckuss Room

Locations (4) Rendili DS2 Docking Bay Endor Docking Bay Cloud City Docking Bay

Characters (20) Grand Moff Tarkin EPP VADER x2 Lord Vader DVDLOTS Emperor Palpy The Emperor Sim Aloo Janus Greejatus Kir Kanos G.A THRAWN (MR. FREEZE) Mara Jade The Emperors Handjob EPP Fett EJP Dengar Mighty Jabba Prince XIZOR Snoova DR.E and His Walrus x2 Guri

Starships (5) Zuckuss in Mist Hunter BOSSK in bus x2 Chimaea Executor

Weapons (2) Mara Jades vibrostick Vaders Playtoy

Effects (9)+1 for the start Emperor’s Power Security Precautions S+D Battle Order Come Here you Big Coward Lateral Damage First Strike NO Escape Something Special planned for them Secret plans

Interrupts (11) Imperial Barrier Masterful Move x2 Alter x2 Sense x2 Monnok/Evader x2 Force Lightning Id Just As Soon Kiss A Wookie

Creatures(1) Bubo ‘

Strategy: ‘

PLEASE READ Will you please read the whole decklist and strategy. dont just look at the cards and give me a good or bad review. And also dont say it is just like any other BHBM deck because they are all alike. Tis one is just a great one that i play. Also don’t say i copied decks just to post because i have had this deck for a while now and i didn’t copy it.

NOW ON TO THE POINT OF THIS DECK First off i would like to say that the whole basis of this deck is to win battles. You try to win battles and turn Luke to the Dark Side. Winning battles can be done rather easily in this deck. This deck easily beats a lot of interactive decks and has a lot of power.

NOW ON TO GAME PLAY First turn you want to use the 3 force you activate from yourself to deploy palpy to the DS2 docking bay which you fetched with IAO. This will help your activation. You Also want to get the Emperor’s Power, and Rendili out. If you drew Rendili then just wait until later and get out the Executor. If opponent game you 3 force Deploy something else but this rarely happens. Next turn you will want to get one of the other docking bays and deploy vader there. This will cause him to have to give you Luke or lose 3 force. COOL COMBO He will probably give you Luke, but if you want a cool combo use Id Just as Soon Kiss A wookie To make him put Luke back in his hand. This will cause him to atleast lose 3 force next turn. Then on your turn just move Vader Away and he will have to deploy Luke to the old location, letting you set up a beatdown and win a battle.*

You will go duel Luke to make the opponent lose 3 force and so you dont lose the game due to losing force to your objective. You want to alter or sense anything Dangerous, and just play smart. If they play a Non interactive deck set up search and destroy to hurt them. In the end you will probably win the game.

Cards I would Like to Add (In order)

  1. You cannot hide forever- so that i am protected against odds.

  2. another vaders lightsaber

63-67. More mains

IGGy And 4lom

NOW ON TO THE CARDS Monnok- Great card. Kills speaders, Swarms, Eloms, and many other decks. If they do deploy yarna just battle them off a battle ground site then alter it. Before you use, you should use miyoom to see how much damage you will deal.

Masterful Move- gets out monnok. recyclable destiny 6.

Sense and Alter- these are great cards. you may say that i need more but please dont. there is only one other person besides me in my area that even uses these in decks, and they usually only use them in their dark side decks. I dont need more and this number has proven sufficient.

Battle Plan- deploy a ship at rendili. it will really help.

Emperor’s Power- This is a great card. I dont see why it is in every BHBM deck. add a destiny that is huge. But be warned, it only works if you are good at tracking desinies. YOu dont want ot forfeit the top card, have it be a 6, then draw two 1’s for destiny.

First Strike- You are going to be initiating most of the battles, so this will really help you. It is the only way you can retrieve force in this deck.

Characters and weapons- These are pretty self-explanatory.

Id Just as Soon Kiss a Wookie- Here is another combo wookie them then when the deploy next turn barrier them then set up a huge beatdown there and destroy them.

Now on to the Matchups-

Profit This will be a tough matchup. You will want to start prince x and might jabba if you do not suspect a beatdown. otherwise nothing. You should come down fast and just destroy them. Try to win battles, and Captrue Luke. You should be able to beat this because there will probably be many battles that you could win.

TIGIH Just deploy some non-vader alien characters and beatdown luke. try to win battles then deploy vader. they will give you luke then you just want to try to Turn him to the dark side. make sure that you win more battles than he does.

EBO I would like decree in here for this. I have played many with out Decree and i have done just fine, but i would like it in here just incase. Just Deploy and drain them. get out Search and Destroy. Also Battle plan. All you have to do is play smart. YOu may also want to use monnok versus xwing swarm and beat them down in space.

Eloms- Use monnok. use Sense and alter. this game will not be that tough. then just beat them down with some cool aien combos

Speeders they are very strong. just go to the interior sites and drain. Use monnok. YOu should be able to beat this, unless you play stupid and set your self up for a beatdown. If Speeders are big in your area you may want to put in Sunsdown/too cold for speeders.

WYS this is new so i have not yet played it. The way i see beating it though is to set up my fleet at kessel, and too deploy many characters to the cantina to beat them. Versus this you will want to start something sepecial planned for them. This will be a staple card in this deck.

Now on to the not so played matchups

HB Try to win a few battles in space and Probe. It would be good to have Sec. precs. but i dont. If this is popular in your area use it. It can be a game winner. if they play xwing swarm just monnok them and deploy secret plans for all wings. you can also beat them down in space.

MWYHL they are so powerful after Jedi Test 5. Just play smart and dont set yourself up for a beatdown. Just drain away. this will be tough. you will want to start secret plans to urt hteir retrieval. you will also want to get out something special planned for them too kill off their on the edges. then just play smart and dont set yourslef up for a big beatdown.

Now thats it. I hope you liked this deck. I think it is good and it helped me come in 2nd at my last tourney. Please give me suggestions on ohw to make it better.

Thanks, AL ‘