Hunt Down and beat down the opponent

Title: Hunt Down and beat down the opponent
Author: Eric "punkrockert8" Deluca
Date: Jan 14, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Hunt down objective Executor-Holotheatre Executor-Meditation Chamber Visage of the Emperor Prepared Defenses Mobilization Point Imperial Arrest Order There Is No Try/Oppressive Enforcement


Carida Death Star Docking Bay Tatooine Docking Bay Cloud City Docking Bay Endor Docking Bay


Commander Merrejk IG-88 With Riot Gun Arica Admiral Ozzel Commander Igar Moff Jerjerrod Grand Moff Tarkin Sim Aloo Lord Vader x4 Guri Admiral Chiraneau Grand Admiral Thrawn Captain Gilad Pellaeon Dr. Evazan & Ponda Baba Captain Sarkli Emperor Palpatine Janus Greejatus Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand Snoova 4-Lom With Confusion Rifle Prince Xizor Dannik Jerriko


Boba Fett in Slave 1 Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Bossk in Hound’s Tooth Executer Chimaera Tempest 1 Blizzard 2


Vader’s Lightsaber x2 Mara Jade’s Lightsaber


Search and Destroy Secrest Plans Visage of the Emperor Lateral Damage


Put All Sections On Alert Ommni Box Force Lightning Weapon Levitation Sniper & Dark Strike Shoking Revelation Twl’lek Advisor Masterful Move ‘

Strategy: ‘

The strategy of the deck is easy, just deploy characters and start your beat down. I would have liked to put presents of the force in the deck but i don’t own any so to bad, this because after i get control of a site i cna force drain for more then one. I also wanted to put the combo card ommni box/it is worst, but i don’t ahve that either, so as soon i get them they are going in. the deck works the same against all of other deck types. Search for carida at first and then search for DBs and deploy stuff to kill your opponent. Below i will explain how to play agianst specific deck types.

Monkey X-wings

this is really easy. Usually people who play this type of deck don’t play many characters, if they play them at all. so get your DBs out and play search and destroy, if you do this fast you can force drain him for a little and make him lose cards from search and visage. After he flips, just go in spece and kill him.You should be able to activate enough force by now to put a really bed beat down. Against this type of deck, i suggest to search for the Executer not Carida, because you don’t have to wait to long to start beating him down.


Here is pretty much the same strategy as before, try to get search out and then beat him up in space with the Executor, Super Chimaera, and the Bounty ships. On the ground is gonna be more hard because this time the opponent will probably have characters, but don’t worry, you have enough characters to hadle it.

Kessel Run

Here just try to put search out, and secret plans. Don’t worry about his retreval, is not a big deal. Just make sure you give him a hard time in space. ‘