Drake’s Watch Your Step- Atlanta Style

Title: Drake’s Watch Your Step- Atlanta Style
Author: Adam "ADrake" Drake
Date: Jan 15, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting Watch Your Step/TPCBALR Tatooine Tatooine Cantina Tatooine DB 94 Heading For The Medical Frigate Your Insights Serve You Well Squadron Assignments Do Or Do Not/Wise Advice

Locations Corellia Kessel

Characters Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, Rebel Scout x2 Capt. Han Solo Han w/Gun Wedge Antilles x2 Artoo and Threepio x2 LEEBO x2 Dash Rendar Talon Karrde Chewie w/Gun Melas Mirax Terrik Lando w/Gun

Starships Millenium Falcon x2 Red Squadron 1 Pulsar Skate Outrider

Weapons Anakins Saber Lukes Saber

Interrupts Control/Tunnel Vision x3 Out of Commission/Trans. Term. x3 Houjix/Out of Nowhere x2 Artoo, I Have A Bad Feeling… x2 The Signal x2 Hyper Escape x2 Punch It x2 Rebel Barrier Life Debt

Effects Kessel Run x4 What’re You Tryin’ To Push… x2 Battle Plan

Admirals Orders I’ll Take The Leader

Strategy: ‘

UPDATE Wow, some people just do not look at some cards in a deck when reviewing it… ”rogue 9” I know that R2/3PO can be battled, but LOOK at ”Artoo, I HAve A Bad Feeling About This” HELLO??? CANCEL DESTINY Oh, BTW, anyone who thinks this objective sucks, never turned it to the ”7” side… 2 destiny when 2 smugglers are together, reuse interrupts from your Lost Pile… Geez guys, read the cards before you review it. I know this deck has potential problems, but what deck doesn’t. I have beaten BHBM with this deck already, so do not say it is auto lose…

The strategy behind this deck is fairly simple. Grab Kessel and Corellia out of your reserve deck, put R2/3PO and Leebo on the Falcon, do 2 Kessel Runs, flip. BAM

This deck is extremely versatile… If the DS is playing ground… deploy your big guns (Luke, Han, Chewie, and Lando) on the ground. Keep doing Kessel Runs, and use the recursive abilities of the objective (Use Interrupts from Lost Pile) to add massive destiny. BTW, the destinies in this deck are INSANE There are 11 or 12 fives, and tracking should not be a problem. I know that there are some problems here with certain decks, but if they are played in your area, replace cards that do not work for you… For example, if Hunt Down is prevalent in your area, replace one Wedge and a Hyper Escape for 2 Run,Luke,Runs… and so on. Like I said, this deck is extremely versatile.

Any questions? Dmail me… ‘