Ewoks in the Court

Title: Ewoks in the Court
Author: Travis "Com Igar" Rumans
Date: Jan 16, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (8) Agents in the Court/NoLFTE Yarna Heading For the Medical Frigate Strike Planning Insurrection Uh Oh TJP Audience Chamber T Hutt Trade Route

Locations (5) Endor Forest Trail E Back Door E Dense Forest E Rebel Landing Site E Landing Platform

Characters (31) Ewok Spearmenx9 Wuta Ithorianx3 Wicketx3 (He’s the Rep–see below) Tessekx2 Orrimaarko Luke Skywalker, Rebel Scout Teebo DOSx2 Kazakx2 General Crix Madine General Solo Chief Chirpa Logray Chewbacca of Kashyyyk Obi-Wan Kenobi Momaw Nadon

Interrupts (9) Endor Celebration Sound the Attackx3 Slight Weapons Malfunction The Signalx2 Nar Shadda Wind Chimesx2

Effects (5) Civil Disorder Aim High Ultimatum Bargaining Table Bo Shuda

Weapons (2) Ewok Spearx2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

This is one of those decks that pulls a lot of stuff on turn 1. Use the Audience Chamber to Grab Bo Shuda. Use Strike Planning to get Crix (and Solo–might as well have him in hand right away), use Insurrection to grab the Endor Docking Bay, put down Crix and use him to grab Wuta and deploy Wuta to the Docking Bay. After that, you can use Wuta to start pulling Endor sites and get the real party on Endor going. You can use some mains (you can hopefully get a scout to pair with Solo, or just pull Cok) to go mess with your opponent or hold down the Hutt Trade Route, which is a bit of a liability in this deck. Usually, you’ll only either get Tessek OR Kazak going and have some Ithorians hanging around. Obviously, if you get Tessek at the AC and Kazak out on Endor, with Wuta pulling sites, you will outdrain almost any DS deck. Wicket is my Rep instead of any other non-unique Ewok because Crix can pull him to my hand, where he can cancel drains and battle destinies. I use Spearmen instead of Sentries because they have base Power, they make fanning out easier with their ability, and my spears deploy free on them. Momaw Nadon is a versatile card in this deck. The Hammerhead keeps Bubo away, provides the deploy-anywhere capability of the spy, and, if worse comes to worse, you can stick him in the AC to pump the Ithorians =). Civil Disorder is nice towards the end of the game–if your opponent has no cards in has hand on your turn, you can play it. With more than half the deck in ability cards, the chances are good that it won’t be canceled. As a side note, I built this deck on vacation and I didn’t get a chance to play much Wars my first semester of college so any fine-tuning anyone can offer me for the Boston metagame would be appreciated. Here’s some specific decks. vs. BHBM Well, I myself played this objective, and you can stick Luke out from the reserve and stick Vader at the Throne room. Without Vader, you should be able to hold your own in ground battles. Hopefully you can use General and the Rep to cancel both destinies these decks get. If you get the drains going, along with your opponents early flip, he won’t last long. vs. MKOS or Court This will be a tough match. Your drains are probably bigger, but his can’t be canceled (and you’ll both have the same kind of cancelers). A main strike on Tatooine will stall them, but if the big battle happens on Endor you can pretty easily win it. If anyone plays a flipping court, Momaw could snare the Rancor (not practical, but funny). vs. Space This deck has no space, as you probably noticed. It usually activates enough to ignore battle order, and with minimal interference on the ground you should be able to outdrain a TIE deck, even the truckload of retrieval. Turbo Rumors would be harder, but since you’re on Endor you can cancel Rumors pretty easily. In both using the Rep to cancel drains can make a big difference, and remember Crix can pull him. vs. RallOps Seems no one plays this anymore, and if the metagame favors it you should definitely throw in the RallOps hosers. If you stumble across it, you should do OK because your drains are still huge even with -1 and your troops hold up well on Endor. You might want to save Wicket for canceling destinies instead of drains, because if you cancel the +X is meaningless. ‘