ROps is still good

Title: ROps is still good
Author: Damian "Jamintheeye" Loback
Date: Jan 16, 2001 Rating: 2.0



‘Starting Rallitiir ops Rallitiir (Japenese) Prepared def Mobilization TINT/OE IAO

Charcters(18) Vader w stick DVLOTS Mara the empors hoe adrmiral Thrawn Guri Xizor ozzel capt Pellaeon tarkin sarkli ds613 mj marquand comm merrejk kir konas lt arnet at st polit x3

Starships(6) Chimara stinger virago misthunter/zuckuss punishing one/denger slave1/boba fett

Veichles(6) scout1 scout2 scout3 scout5 scout6 blizzard scout1

weapons mara jades saber

effects first strike battle order you cannot hide forever come here you big coward there be hell to pay x2 Bad feeling have i imperal Decree

Interrupts masterful move Imperal barrier x2 trample x2 twilek advisor x2 ommni box and its worse

LOcations forest space sport db swamp Kashyyyk Carida exuctor db couscant db wampa cave ‘

Strategy: ‘

The basic thing you do with this deck is set up ralltiir then start pulling out cards to battle. and retreve with first strike.

Against the smugglers I play basicly super chimera and play the prince and his hoe in their ships wich can haddle about anything. their really notihing more to say about execpt to drain at ralltiir and to fight in space or on the ground ‘