Geoff Snider’s Toku Machine

Title: Geoff Snider’s Toku Machine
Author: Geoff "gsiva" Snider
Date: Jan 16, 2001 Rating: 2.5



‘Palace of Otosan Uchi


3x basecamp 3x hiruma dojo 3x jadeworks 3x imperial ambassador 3x toku toku exp3 3x ginawa 3x saigorei 3x moshi hito 3x seppun nakao 3x seppun ma@#$%a 3x tohaku 3x hasame hasame exp inheritance new year’s celebration


3x sneak attack 3x deadly ground 2x suspended terrain 1x night battle 2x command of the kami 2x superior tactics 2x rallying cry 2x flanking maneuver 3x stand against the waves 3x ashigaru archers 3x ashigaru spearmen 3x shiriekan 3x spearmen 3x light infantry 3x imperial legion 2x scout

Strategy: ‘

okay…it’s time to convince everyone that this deck works. it took 2nd place at my Test of the Emerald Champion tournament. basically you start gaining honor from bringing out dudes, then you attach alot of free followers, and play sneak, stand, and scout for deadly ground or night battle. you deny them of battle actions. woopdy doo. nothing really special, but i HATE those damned decks that sit there and stall all game, and in the Strict Jade environment there are a TON of them. BSL, SS, Fugees, T&D, favor, etc…the list goes on…OH and entrapping terrain. i hate that sh1t. so if you run into an honor runner, then you’ve got imperial ambassadors. hopefully, kuro will let you refuse enough of his duels so that you can shoot his defenders, and then Come One At A Time should be avoided at all costs. sneak deadly…nuff said. ‘