
Title: Disarmed
Author: van "nocnalemeel" melancon
Date: Jan 17, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting 7 Objective Hidden Base Rendezvous Point Kessel(HB Indicator) Heading for the medical frigate Insurrection Staging Areas Menace fades

Locations7 dagobah yodas hut tatooine alderaan tatdb 94 home1 db cloud city db 327

characters19 ben kenobi x2 epp obi jedi luke x2 master luke captian han x2 epp leia x2 orrimarko twas khaa melas corran horn blount kal fal new hope wedge lando w/ axe chewie protector

starships 4 home 1 falcon x2 spiral

interrupts 15

Courage of a Skywalker Weapon Levitation x2 Fall of the Legend x2 Throw me Another Charge x2 On the Edge x2 Off the Edge x2 Fallen Portal Transmission Terminated/ooc x2 Clash of Sabers

Effects6 Do or Do Not/Wise Advice Bacta Tank Order To Engage disarmed x2 our most desperate hour

weapons 2 obis stick anakins stick

Strategy: ‘

This deck is made for the popular “docking bay” wars that seems to have taken over my meta.It uses heavy mains and mega retrieval to create the mains that wont die engine.


vs hunt down This deck(with all the recyclable 6s) has built in dueling protection, but you still have to be careful when deploying the jedi. Try to jump on them early before they get to set up(i.e. vader tarkin walker iggy)menace fades is huge and the disarmeds can be killer.

isb tatooine menace fades and battle order and order to engage….’nuff said

bhbm give them jedi luke and tell them to lose 1 every time to thier objective….dont lose battles …play conservatively…god that objective sucks

invincible court tough match…again menace fades and battle order to slow them down….the disarmeds are HUGE against 4lom and iggy…I would suggest deploying to the tatooine db and walking in(especially if no bargain is out)….bottom line though, you gotta take over the audience chamber..retrieval can save u

overall this deck can give all decks a run because of menace fades and the retrieval…. play it well, and the diffs can be huge……the late game OMDH can make your opponent want to quit……. Later, Van ‘