Rebel Strike Team - Toola Regional variant v 2

Title: Rebel Strike Team - Toola Regional variant v 2
Author: Bjorn "nexus" Sorgjerd
Date: Jan 19, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Deck Detail Cards 60 number card

LOCATIONS (7) 1 Endor 1 Endor Back Door 1 Endor Great Forest 1 Endor Hidden Forest Trail 1 Endor Landing Platform (Docking Bay) 1 Endor Rebel Landing Site (Forest) 1 Rendezvous Point

CHARACTERS (21) 1 Admiral Ackbar 1 Chewbacca Of Kashyyyk 1 Colonel Cracken 1 Corporal Beezer 1 Corporal Kensaric 1 Corporal Midge 1 Daughter Of Skywalker 1 First Officer Thaneespi 1 General Calrissian 1 General Crix Madine 1 General Solo 1 Lieutenant Blount 2 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight 1 Major Panno 1 Nien Nunb 1 Obi-Wan With Lightsaber 1 Orrimaarko 1 Tycho Celchu 1 Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader 1 Wuta

STARSHIPS (6) 1 Gold Squadron 1 1 Green Squadron 3 1 Home One 1 Red Squadron 1 1 Tala 1 1 Tala 2

WEAPONS (2) 1 Anakin’s Lightsaber 1 Luke’s Lightsaber

EFFECTS (12) 1 Bacta Tank 1 Battle Plan 2 Close Air Support 1 Do, Or Do Not & Wise Advice 1 Honor Of The Jedi 1 Insurrection 1 Menace Fades 1 Ounee Ta 1 Squadron Assignments 1 Strike Planning 1 What’re You Tryin’ To Push On Us?

INTERRUPTS (9) 1 Armed And Dangerous 2 Control & Tunnel Vision 1 Heading For The Medical Frigate 1 I Know 1 Punch It 1 Rebel Barrier 1 The Signal 1 Weapon Levitation

ADMIRAL’S ORDERS (2) 1 Concentrate All Fire - Admiral’s Order 1 I’ll Take The Leader - Admiral’s Order

OBJECTIVE 1 Rebel Strike Team/Garrison Destroyed ‘

Strategy: ‘

Resonse to reviews Several people have pointed out that this decks destiny seem a bit low. I agree, but not so much as you might think. Try playing it a few times, and youll find that a lot of the 0,1 an 2 disapperar (with help from Wuta, Crix, Strike Planning, Tunnel Vision). Ive found that when the fun usually starts, my destiny average is quite decent. Not VERY good, but good enough.

Also, I have had a suggestion to remove Home One and Thaneespi for Dash and Outrider. I think I’ll do this, I rarely if ever get both Ackbar AND Home One anyway. Thanks to lbmyers1


This is not just another Rebel Strike Team deck - it is Rebel Strike Team the way we play it up in Toola region. It is not only a very GOOD deck, being undefeated so far, but its also very balanced AND fun to play.

This is an updated version, based on feedback from DeckTech members. Thank you all for contributing. Among the changes is the addition of Ill Take the Leader and Landing platform, Honor and the deletion of Chirpas Hut and Chewies Bowcaster. Ive also changed a few interrupts. Ive also updated and expanded the strategy section a bit.

I would also like to point out that this is not a copy of Brian Hunters deck. Though similar in concept, there are 10-15 cards that dont match. I will, however, gladly admitt that once I read his strategy notes, there were several very good concepts that I have since started paying attention to (and also included in my own strategy notes). For the record, Id like to thank Brian for his exellent strategy tips, and the inspiration they have given me )

The deck centers around flipping the objective WITHOUT blowing up the bunker. While blowing up the bunker isnt quite impossible (contrary to popular belief) its simply not worth it - it simply takes too long and requires you to battle at an interior site where your CAS cant help you. You must hold the Endor system anyway to make CAS, Menace Fades and Battle Plan work, so the objective wont (because youre not allowing it to happen) get flipped back anyway. The only POSITIVE thing about blowing the bunker, is that you will inevitably force many DS decks to come to you, as they desperately (and quite irrationally) try to prevent you from blowing it. If you, despite by advise, absolutely MUST blow the bunker, do it AFTER you have flipped, include Sgt. Junkin (possibly) and 1 or 2 charges in you deck (but no more - Cpl. Beezer will get them for you). That way you get 2 destiny +7 to +12 without using too many cards.

Starting Deploy the objective and required cards, then use HFTMF to deploy Strike Planning Squadron Assignments I prefer to deploy DODN & WA as the third one, but this can vary a bit depending on the opposition. Since you deploy after the DS, you get to see what hes playing with. If he plays HD or Court and do not deploy No Escape (dont let him cheat you by trying to get it with YCHF), Honor is a great card to start with. Battle Plans is another possibility as you intend to stay both in space and on the ground. REMEMBER that, because of Strike Planning, opponent generates NO FORCE from the Endor system unless Endor Ops. on table. Against Raltiir Ops., definitely deploy Ounee Ta. It will provide extra Force, and keep your opponent cautious. If you are more conservative, you can go with Battle Plan instead.

If you get a general in you starting hand, get the other two immediately. Otherwise get Crix, but wait until you know what youll need the most before pulling either Lando or Solo.

Early Game Deploying Crix and then getting (and deploying) Kensaric makes for a good first turn. The other option is getting Lando and Gold 1 and deploying them to Endor. I generally stick with the first, but sometimes do the later to keep the opposition off balance (I always do it if I get Punch It). Be mindful, though, because Vader or Mara with a saber can really screw things up if youre not careful…

Keep deploying scouts to the Landing Site ONLY. Fortify this site so the DS will think twice about trying to battle you here. You also need to locate CAS as soon as possible - as soon as you get it, deploy one of the Talas at Endor. Wait until you have CAS and enough scouts to flip before spreading, then do it immediately. This should only have taken you a few turns.

Post Flip Fortify the Endor system and the Endor sites you control. Get the meta-effects you need and deploy them. If you have the characters to spare, you might consider building a small hit team in hand for a beatdown if DS gets careless. Your spies can be useful here, letting you get into place the DS thinks are secure. Having the Bacta tank out will help minimize you losses at this stage. Using Obi-Wan and a scout can be effective, Obi goes to the tank while you retrieve the scout and re-deploy him with Crix. Enforcing Battle Plan and Honor is important, you opponent will often spead out to avoid their effect, and that is when you hit him.

End Game Opponents inability to cancel or modify your drains, coupled with the tank and retrieval should have taken their toll. You should by now have all your sites out, and can afford to spread out (be careful though) and drain him even more.

General Tips Use Crix to get Chewbacca, use Chewbacca to get Wuta, use Wuta to get sites. Do this as quickly as possible. You have three spies, Tycho, Cracken and Blount. All three are pilots and the last two are scouts (so you could lose then to attrition in space then bring them back with the objective). Remember that you can use CAS on other systems, not just on Endor. Talas have a hyperspeed of 3. Ackbar can get one AO or one Mon Cal - decide which you are going to need before indiscriminately pulling one.

Specific cards Chief Chirpas Hut - Its an interior site. Wont help you with either flipping or defending with CAS.

Great Forest - This is Lukes spot - Let opponet deploy Vader, Barrier him and mover Luke away. DS probably wont be able to move Vader away.

Landing platform - Get it with Insurrection or Wuta. Lets you use Ill Take The Leader with abandon.

Rendevouz Point - 2/0 Force location. Starships deploy -2 AND moves for free to Endor. Not essential, but a nice card nonetheless.

Admiral Ackbar - Gets either the AO or Thaneespi.

Major Panno - This deck is a little light on force generation, but deploying Pannon early can give you 4 extra Force.

Obi-Wan With lightsaber - Is not essential, but nice to have as cannon fodder. Frequently, the DS will be reluctant to come to Endor, and Obi is a perfect little hit-squad in himself. Recycle him in the Tank.

Tycho Celchu - Is both a spy and a Rogue Squadron pilot. That makes Wedge able to cancecl destinies with him.

Wuta - Gets those sites out. Remember that he cancels out Corporal Midges Force Drain bonus where present.

Bacta Tank - Keeping this baby alive shouldnt be to difficult unless people start playing Shut Him Up, Or Shut Him Down again. Be mindful what characters go here - sometimes its better to let a main go since the weenies are much cheaper to revive.

Battle Plan & Menace Fades - Since this deck requires you to hold on to the Endor system, you might as well use them. They should provide adequate defense agianst drain heavy decks.

Close Air Support - make sure you get one of these out, and keep on on table and preferably the other in backup. With Control & Tunnel Vision, The Signal and 2 copies of the card you should get it pretty quickly.

Do, Or Do Not & Wise Advise + Control & Tunnel Vision should give you ample CSA protection.

Honor of the Jedi - With No Escape, this card became practically useless… Not nescessarily If you your opponent isnt playing with this excellent card, it is still awesome. Otherwise its just another nice destiny 4.

Insurrection - Makes those scouts forfeit 5 or 6…

Ounee Ta - If you ever managed to handle Raltiir Ops, youre bound to CRUSH it with Talas, CAS and this card. I just hate Raltiir Ops, dont you? Also it lets you get that Tunnel Vision you just used from the Lost Pile. How can you say no?

Armed and Dangerous - I like this card, lets you get a much needed weapon. Combined with Weapon Levitation and Tunnel Vision, you should get the weapons you need.

Contol & Tunnel Vision - While some might not like the 1 destiny, Ive decided to give it a try. If it proves to be a liability Ill cange it back to standard 3 destiny Tunnel Visions.

I Know - The best adder ever. Since youre guaranteed to get General Solo with Strike Planning, you can get DoS w/ Anakins lightsaber too

Punch It - Get Lando with SP and Gold 1 with SA, then play Puch It for 3 destiny or perhaps 4 with Nien Numb.

Weapon Levitation - Ive been using this card for ages. Better than Away Put Your Weapon for dealing with sabres, cancels You Are Beaten AND gets a weapon you just drew for destiny from Used Pile.

Concentrate All Fire - Can cancel opponents AO or just make your scouts immune to attrition <6 and have them add 1 to each of their weapon destinies. (Jedi Luke alone with lightsaber; power 8, immune to attrition <9 and draws 2 destiny +2 with his lightsaber. With CAS he also draws 2 battle destiny and 1 power destiny. Its not an uncommon sight.)

Ill Take The Leader - Get the landing platform with Insurrection. Then watch opponent despair as your starships and pilots are lost, only to return again and again. Whcih of the two AOs you need will bepend on the opposition. Remember that you can replace your own Ao, and that they go the the USED pile when replaced.

Cards that almost made it Corran Horn Could take Tychos palce. Is a rogue pilot, spy, ability 4 character and stops those pesky undercover spies.

Luke Skywalker, Rebel Scout - Consider replacing 1 Jedi Luke with Socut Luke if you keep running into BHBM or opponent likes walkers. Hes nice, but I like jedi Lukes destiny 6 to much to put this one in.

Mantellian Savrip - This card will allow you to spread your forces thinner. I dont get to use it very often so I quite using it.

Projection of a Skywalker - Mostly used to limit the drain potential of Court. With Hutt Influence it became much less useful.

Uncontrolable Fury - People tend to prefer DV, DLOTS but are quick to replace him with Lord Vader once UF hits the table. Still OK card, but not great anymore.

YISYW - I rather get my effects using The Signal or Tunnel Vision. Call it personal preference, if you like the card put it in. It the people youre playing dont use much CSA, Id consider using this as a starting effect in stead of DODN & WA.

Houjix - Another card that will allow you to spread out more.

Matchups vs. Endor Ops. You deploy after DS, so your Endor goes on top. Youll cancel Omnious easily by controling sites, or by invading the bunker w/spies or Back Door. I short, youll flip, he wont and youll take his ground forces apart. Against a blue heavy deck, you need to reinforce Endor as quickly as possible and do a few multi-destiny battles.

vs. Raltiir Ops. This deck is prefect agains Raltiir. Consinder starting with Ounee Ta or get it quickly. Youll generate extra force, deploy extra cheap and do extra damage with Talas in Raltiir orbit. Easy match if youre quick about it. If you let him flip and stay flipped, youre still in for a rough time.

vs. Court This became a lot more difficult with No Escape - it effectively neutralized Honor. Not everyone plays with it, and Honor is still usefull against these players. Menace is still useful, remember that you get to cancel his Force Dains bonuses even if he has Hutt Influence (but Projection IS useless). Mind their ability to deploy fighters from reserve deck - theyre bound for Endor. Battling on Tatooine might be an option, but only if you get them to spread a little (whcih they are bound to do sooner or later). Sadly, CAS will only be partially effective. Outdraining IS probably the best option after all, and if you play wisely and manage to keep Endor system you should win (try avoiding them initiating a lot of battles, theyll retrieve). Overall the thoughest match, but then again Court is tough against ANYTHING.

vs. TDIGWATT Potentially tough match, especially if hes space heavy. Try seizing the system, its your best bet. If you see the the Casino, get Lando ASAP and protect him (otherwise start looking for the grabber). CAS is useful if hes exterior with walkers and stuff, you can attempt to battle him then. Overall, slightly tough match as he can exceed you drain potential, but if you keep the initiative youll win. Otherwise, both Battle Plan (if you can keep him away from Bespin) and Menace Fades are useful in limiting his drains.

vs. BHBM Should be fairly easy. Firstly youre not very dependent on Luke, youll kick him good if he comes to Endor and.. well, you wont lose any force to Your Destiny cause youre playing with Luke, and I could go on. BHBM isnt good against this deck, easy match. Just remember this If they turn Luke you LOSE, regardles of your lead. So, if you think theyll manage til turn Luke, keep him off table and accept the 3 Force loss (pray he doesnt play No Escape).

vs. SYCFA Generally, you need to disrupt him before he can establish his thing. Your many spies lets you deploy to Wakemuuli, and if you can wrest control away from him with one of them and Gold 1 youre of to an easy victory. Wedge can cancel their battle destiny. Grabber takes of All Power to Weapons. Battle plan is also highly useful, as long as youre able to keep them away from the docking bay. Fairly difficult match, but easily won if opponen makes mistakes.

vs. HDADTJ Honor is now useless agains this deck, just as it is useless against Court. Sad (well, some players evidently dont us No Escape). Dont spread out until Vader is on table, then youre relatively safe. If you just keep away from Vader, youll win most other battles and drain him to death. Dont let him turn Luke - it truly sucks. Problem with his deck is that if you just keep Vader at bay, hes generally relativey powerless as half his deck or something is geared towards Vader. I used to consider this a relatively easy match, but feedback has led me to believe that perhaps there is rather something wrong with the Hund Downs Ive met lately.

Good luck

Bjorn ‘