@$$teroid Swarm Pile

Title: @$$teroid Swarm Pile
Author: James "eby" Eby
Date: Jan 20, 2001 Rating: 3.0



‘Starting(OLD SCHOOL)

Roche The Signal(not a typo) Rebel Fleet(not a typo)


Home One Liberty Defiance Red Leader in Red One Gold Leader in Gold One 12X-Wing


Wise Advice/Do or do Not Rebel Fleet Incom Corporation Order to Engage 3Asteroid Sanctuary


A Few Maneuvers Out of Commision/Transmission Terminated Rapid Fire Star Destroyer 2Yoda Stew/You Do Have Your Moments 2Slight Weapons Malfunction 2All Wings Report In 2The SIgnal 2Organized Attack


Landing Claw 2X-Wing Laser Cannon


Lando with Vibro-Ax 2Leia with Blaster Pistol 2Han with Heavy Blaster Pistol 2Master Luke


3Big One 5Asteroid Feild Rendezvous Point HothEcho Docking Bay ‘

Strategy: ‘

UpdateThe reason I’m not playing more systems is to keep the 0’s to a minimum, and if I do draw a 0 then it is an asteroid to kill opponents ships. Destab, I will usually outdrain alien decks and I can find the feilds faster with multiples. WOW, WHAT A PILE I’ve playtested it against a Very strong DS2 deck and it held its own. Hold Roche drop 1 X-Wing at the Big one and drain for huge If they are playing space when they play a planet try to set up on it instead, then it doeasn’t get cancelled if they occupy. Remember if you control an Asteroid Field you may cancel force drains at the related system.

MOST ground alien decks simply won’t be able to outdrain this deck with Asteroid Sanc running, they will have to come to you. Always hold back a few ships and rock them wherever they drop to, the X-Wing Laser Cannons will take out all bounty hunter ships if used properly. If they spread out drop your mains on the weak spots, try to kill the main stuff;ie Jabba, Galid, etc.

DS2 is a hard matchup, they have a good mix of big blue, ties, and bounty hunter ships. Just wait till they try to come into the Asteroid Sectors and their ships start dropping everywhere, then stike.

BHBM Give Luke, Asteroid Sanc, Drain repeat. the only problem here is if you can’t find Luke.

Hunt Down Transmission Terminated asap Keep Luke away from Vader, but try to keep him on the ground. You should outdrain in most cases.

Any CONSTRUCTIVE critisism is welcome. Remember when was the last time you played anti-@$$teroid Sanc tech? ‘