Superman Dash Rendar

Title: Superman Dash Rendar
Author: Kyle "BurstGoat" Szklenski
Date: Jan 21, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘DashSuperman.deck - Sun Jan 21 131209 2001

Locations (9) Coruscant Endor Chief Chirpa’s Hut (s) Endor Landing Platform (Docking Bay)(s) Home One Docking Bay Hoth Echo Docking Bay Kessel x2 Kiffex x2

Characters (18) BoShek Captain Han Solo x2 Corran Horn Dash Rendar x2 Keir Santage Leia With Blaster Rifle x2 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, Rebel Scout Melas Mirax Terrik Obi-Wan With Lightsaber x2 Tycho Celchu Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader x2

Starships (7) Home One Millennium Falcon x2 Outrider x2 Red Squadron 1 Spiral

Interrupts (12) A Few Maneuvers Fallen Portal x2 Heading For The Medical Frigate (s) I Know It Could Be Worse Out Of Commission & Transmission Terminated x2 Out Of Nowhere x2 Rebel Barrier The Bith Shuffle & Desperate Reach

Effects (12) Anger, Fear, Aggression x4 Do, Or Do Not & Wise Advice I Feel The Conflict (s) Insurrection (s) Launching The Assault Menace Fades Legendary Starfighter Squadron Assignments (s) Your Insight Serves You Well

Weapons (1) Luke’s Lightsaber

Objective There Is Good In Him/I Can Save Him ‘

Strategy: ‘

Card update Pull one Fallen Portal (since you don’t have TOO much ground) for Order To Engage. Thanks End Card update

Against BHBM you start LSJK, against anything else you should probably start Luke, Rebel Scout, so you can have your floating six running through the deck. The third starting effect varies, depending on what you’re playing against. BHBM you should probably start Wise Advice/Do or Don’t. If you feel their deck is going to be a big drainer, such as Court/MKOS with Gailids, then I’d start Your Insight Serves You Well so that you can go pull Launching The Assault, Home One, and have bigtime boosted drains. On to card choices

Mirax Terrik Forfeit of 5, which isn’t half bad, and can set up your destinies like a mad girl.

Corran Horn Can cancel a destiny with Wedge, who is a beast in this deck.

Dash Rendar In his ship, he’s nearly unstoppable. Only huge problem is Lateral Damage, but I usually put someone else with Dash so as to minimize that. He is what will win you all your necessary cards for I Feel The Conflict. You won’t even have to pull a destiny to convert Vader if they insist on battling you in space

BoShek and Melas Two pilots with four ability to get around Zuckuss. BoShek’s destiny of 1 sucks, but it shouldn’t be a problem with all the other high destinies in the deck.

Keir Santage Cancels destiny with Wedge, and is destiny 3 instead of 2 like most guys.

Menace Fades Against a big drainer like ISB Ops or MKOS/Court with Gailid, you’re going to want this card out, and you’re going to want to be at a ground site. So stack some guys at a site, and let your drains in space ruin them.

Coruscant I think some people don’t know what the text on this card is. It says, “If Rebels control this system, Imperials and Imperial Starships are deploy +2.” What that means is that if you’re facing any deck that doesn’t have a lot of space, and you get this out real quick, they’re in a lot of trouble (presuming it’s not MKOS etc). Also, you can put it out as a trap so they bring down some guys for cheap. You Rebel Barrier one, then come down next turn with some bigger ships and reap reap reap.

Deck matchups

BHBM Your space beats their space pretty much every time. You draining up there for 6-9 a turn is far superior to their drains. You usually have enough guys that you can stack at a site to keep Search And Destroy off of your back for long enough also. Thirdly, your destinies are extremely high, and if they don’t battle you, Anger, Fear, And Aggression will ruin their day.

Hunt Down Dueling If there’s a dueling deck that has enough space to keep up with mine, then they’re not really dueling very well now, are they? Again, huge drains in space, along with Anger, Fear, and Aggression will make them suck it.

Hunt Down non-duel It depends on what you think their space fleet is really. I’d go to space real early and get off your drains. Once they get Vader down, get Obi-wan down so they are still losing to Visage. Then, you pretty much outdrain them in space, along with AFAs killing them off.

MKOS Abyssins If it’s swarm, keep guys close together, and keep Menace Fades in effect. You shouldn’t have to worry about too much space from them, so draining the snake out of them won’t be too hard. AFA might help, but they can usually send a little bunch of guys after yours so that they never really lose to it. However, they lose to you when you beat them up after that.

MKOS non-swarm Try to keep Menace Fades in effect still, but watch out for bigger guys coming down like Kitik Keed’kak and Niado Duegad. Those guys can cause havoc on you Still shouldn’t have to worry about much space still, so you’re all over that. AFA if they don’t play too much space, but they’ll usually have someone to send after you.

ROps ROps is nearly dead, but I’ve seen variations of it around. Even with their modifiers, you are draining for 5-6 a turn at your systems. You can usually take over Ralltiir pretty early on account of you having mad activation. If you get a force from them, you get a total of 7 force to begin with. You drain for one, deploy one of your systems, deploy one of your ships (Dash and ship or Cap’n and ship deploy for only 6 apiece), then move one over to Ralltiir. They’ll have a heck of a time flipping at that point, once you put on the lock. Since they generally don’t have retrieval, once you beat off their meager space fleet, you drain them out. Wedge plus others will be huge here. Also, Coruscant will make them pay for playing imperials

ISB Ops Keep Menace Fades in effect again. That card is huge Their drains stopped, and you’ve pretty much won the game. AFA will kill them if they aren’t playing too much space.

TIEs This may in fact be one of your toughest games, as your space fleet can get beat down wherever it goes. I try to take over the deathstar quickly by deploying to Alderaan, and moving over. Hopefully your mad fast drains from Kessel/Death Star will do them in before they can really get set up. If they’re playing Monkey TIEs, throw down your Order To Engage and rough them up a bit. AFA should also hurt them when you put down a force at the Death Star Docking Bay big enough that they can’t hurt, because if they battle, they’ll stack a card, if not, they lose 4 force. Either way, you should probably Convert vader with it, or force them to lose 4 force easily.

In conclusion, this deck is very hard to defeat. A Lateral Damage + TIE swarm would hurt it, but you generally can soak up a lot of damage with your high forfeit scrubs. Wedge coming down with another rogue/red squadron pilot is a beast And then Dash, well, Dash is the man. Good luck to you,

Kyle ‘