4 stars its ok i guess

Title: 4 stars its ok i guess
Author: brad "swccguy" eier
Date: Jan 21, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘My kind of skum (1)

desert heart jabbas palace lower passage audience chamber sailbarge deck (5)

sailbarge zuckuss in mist hunter bossk in hounds tooth (3)

myo x 4 abyssin x 2 xizor x 2 guri x 2 snoova x 2 ig88 w/riot x 2 4lom w/concussion x 2 dengar w/thing chall bekan cc engineer mercenary pilot gailid boelo mighty jabba ephant man bib fortuna boba fett w/blaster dr.e + ponda bubba (27)

vibro ax (1)

bubo (1)

abyssin ornament/wounded wookey twilek pointman projective telpathy sniper/dark strike prepared defenses none shall pass x 3 (9)

skum-n-villany x 2 resistance come here you big coward fist strike there’ll be hell to pay x 2 there is no try/ opressive enforcer power of the hutt no bargain hutt influence secret plans search n destroy (13)

Strategy: ‘

uppdate* wow its some more 4 star reviews from people that dont know what the cards do. i dont get how a person can operate a computer, yet be illiterate? or are they just ignorant? hmm…thats a mystery i guess i should explain a few things i thought were obvious.

  1. guri and xizor are huge,much better than crap like djass puhr or junk.
  2. hutt influence gets pulled with power of the hutt, which i start every game, and effectively screws hb. yes, hb is too slow.
  3. umm in this type of deck you have enough non uniques or cards that pull them that you can get one out fast. this isnt a swarm deck, its a mains that uses myos to stop drains, while fighting with multiple destiny draws that are each +2.
  4. bargaining table isnt a bad idea, and could fit in well if you add a few more non uniques. end update

well its the same as all the mkos decks except i added r2

start power of the hutt vs everything, and whatever other 2 effects work best. default is power of hutt, opressive and no bargain

the sailbarge lets you move people from the desert heart

with the combo-nation of none shall pass + no bargain it will be tough for the ls to get to the palace early, so you have time to setup.

fight vs ground decks…drain vs space decks.

guri is a mains killer. xizor is a tank. snoovaa is ok i guess. the new dr e card works well in here.

the 4 myos are used once you flip to cancel drains, or destinys. keep myos cycling by playing him and fighting w/him, retrieve w/skum, then send him to used pile. you have the nonunique abyssins just so u can flip. you can pull them w/ chall, ornament, the ac text, ect.

you dont need ghhhk, projective is better

merc pilot on the barge works really well.

vs anything in space drain w/ gailid and use search n destroy.

start the heart and jp and then pull your other sites.

the ability to remove characters, and add/subtract to and from battle destinys makes this deck really strong.

vs ebo-start resistance among others. cancel their big drain with the myo. you will do too much damage too fast.

vs profit- start whoever u need to. mabey chall and an abyssin or something. you will kill their stuff

vs hb (land)- fight and have fun. its a close game, but you get back 3 every time u fight so u will win.

vs hb (air)- its too slow. damage them fast and furious. myo their kessel drain.

vs tigih- just fight them. not a push-over, since they get out the best ls guy on turn 1. the new r2 luke screws w/the barge, be careful.

vs wys-if its big retrevial, plans hurts them. if its some kind of other junky pile, you will waste them. guri is the card to have in this matchup. she will screw those smuggler extra destiny draws

vs mwyhl- its too slow. damage + drain = win.

dmail questions

be honest in re-views.