yep yep i got han here you cant deploy him SO SORRY no soup(han)for you

Title: yep yep i got han here you cant deploy him SO SORRY no soup(han)for you
Author: Philippe "Climax_Giver" Parise
Date: Jan 22, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘start(8)(jabba’s prize dont count right??) carbon chamber testing/… jabba’s prize carbon chamber console cc chamber cc tower prepared defences crush the rebellion mobalization points no try & opressive

locations(4) rendili jp audiance chamber tat docking bay cc docking bay

blue(9) 2x tempest scout 6 tempest scout 4 dengar in P1 bossk in HT 2x zuckuss in MH dominator executor

charachters(19) 4x EPP vader 2x mighty jabba 2x prince X 2x 4-lom w/gun 2x ig-88 w/gun dannick jerriko (japanese) Dr.E & armless dude bossk w/gun boba w/gun dengar w/gun janus grandma tuck me in

effects(2) 2x lateral damage

interupts(18) evader & monnock 3x trample force feild weapon levitaion imp barrier elis elrot surface defense operational as planed omni box & it’s worse i have you now 2x jabba’s hrough with you the circle is now complete vader’s obsession ho switch off shut him up or shut him down ‘

Strategy: ‘

well the deck is different really get rendili & chamber out on youre 1st turn, you get 8 on second turn + what he gives you..not bad…then docking bays & activate at them……start with ig or 4-lom moving the prize on turn 1 if possible or turn 2 at least….they cant be battled & will flip the obj without having need of back up…then you have imps so no scum……BUT you are still imune to <4 if in space with the ships or some such….the deck is strong..but i would recommend changing it for meta…..i personally am trying to fit in 3 grabbers for my reagion is very inturupt abusive

i DONT USE SCUM cause it makes jabba’s prize & the obj hard to keep on table.but if i just use the droid & stay away from blasters & such…..i can keep it fliped & i retrive one a turn & get the imunity bonuses……i’s worth it & scum too much trouble this deck wont hold at the worlds but it is fun in a small tounrey & just enjoy..cause it has power where it counts…..