Training in da GHETTO

Title: Training in da GHETTO
Author: drew "drew man1" scott
Date: Jan 22, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting Jank Mind what you have learned/save you it can Dagobah headed for the medical frigate the way of things wise advice your insight serves you well

CHARACTERS yoda daughter of skywalker luke rebel scout luke w/ stick obi w/stick X2 twass kahh corrn horn wedge antillies” red squad leader red leader hobbie orrimarko han w/blaster captain han hassh’n lando w/ blaster chewie /w blaster beru and owen

STARSHIPS tantive IV home one spiral red squad 1 liberty Millenium falcon

EFFECTS battle plan honor of the jedi legendary starfighter squadron assignments taun taun bones insurection what are you tryin to push on us projection of skywalker i feel the conflict draw thier fire

INTERRUPTS the force is strong with this one gift of the mentor out of com./transmission terminatedX2 bith shuffle a few meneuvers X2 houjix/ out of nowhere noble sac.

LOCATIONS yodas hut dagobah swamp “ jungle training area

TESTS 1 2 3 4 5 6

DEVICES lukes backpack ‘

Strategy: ‘

This training deck is just full of tech. first you start off by pulling daughter, the training area, and a test. start training by third turn. proceed by doing this each turn, all the tests should be easy to pass. when you pass test 5 you should have a 5 or a 6 tracked for it, and have 10 force saved because secret plans will be out, if CHYBC out place a scrub at both your opponents BGs then retrieve, if the dont have 2 battle grounds out then you should be ok because that means you have not been drained for a lot any way. The tauntaun bones are in there because with test 3 out you can always take advantage of it. When test 5 is passed, fight were they are, they wont beat you. Just place guy after guy down until they run out of characters, then drain at thier locations.

Against BHBM, shold be an easy win, start YISYW then pull i feel the conflict with it, give them luke RS and dsend em to the throne room, they will not win duels by test 3 since all thier destinies are minus 1. they will keep stacking with it. you will win in the end.

  against Scum, laugh at them when they get thier drain of 2 for 6 force when you bring battle plan and test 1 out. you will win because they arnt going to retrieve any for most of the game and test 6 will drain them out with out vader

  against hunt down... this is probably the toughest game to play against. get honor out unless they start no escape. get a spy to cancel visage (unless honor out)train like normal and lose your force like a man. try as hard as possible to retrieve your 10 in the end. once at test 5 bring down guys to kill the barage of vaders coming your way. You should be victorios if you play right and have a little luck.

ALL OTHER decks should be a breeze to beat. This deck is really good and has won me a lot of tourneys. Every game should be yours if you can afford to retrieve the 10 force in the end. have fun with it. ‘