Quiet Mining Colony of Eloms

Title: Quiet Mining Colony of Eloms
Author: Norman "Norman" Horn
Date: Nov 20, 1999 Rating: 3.5



‘Quiet Colony of Eloms.deck - Sat Nov 20 082839 1999

Unknown Type Bespin Bespin Cloud City Cloud City Carbonite Chamber Cloud City Guest Quarters Cloud City Lower Corridor Clouds x4

Characters (15) Elom x12 Tibanna Gas Miner x3

Starships (12) Gold Leader In Gold 1 Lando In Millennium Falcon Medium Bulk Freighter x3 Red Leader In Red 1 Z-95 Bespin Defense Fighter x3 Z-95 Headhunter x3

Interrupts (13) Ambush Blast The Door, Kid Control x2 Houjix It’s A Trap Local Defense x2 Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes x2 The Signal x2 Transmission Terminated

Effects (10) Bargaining Table Battle Plan Civil Disorder Do, Or Do Not Insurrection Never Tell Me The Odds x4 Wise Advice

Unknown Type Quiet Mining Colony/Independent Operation ‘

Strategy: ‘

This is my first attempt at creating a clouds/numbers deck out of the ECC objective, Quiet Mining Colony.

As indicated, your primary strategy is to drain at the clouds while using Numbers to cause more damage. If the opponent comes to you then your Eloms can potentially cause some very, shall we say, ‘disturbing’ damage if Imperials are in the lineup. Your retrieval stuff is basically Chimes. I took out the Celbration in favor of an Ambush for counter-ISB. Besides, I only had 3 sites in anyway. You can prevent damage by using Blast the Door Kid, It’s a Trap, and Houjix. You generally don’t want to deploy a miner until you flip, because your drains are already 1 anyway. You may as well cause more Odd’s damage. And you should NEVER have more than one on the table, don’t hurt yourself… It has not been playtested– yet.

Here are the ways I’d play against popular decks.

Hunt Down– Start either Insurrection, Never Tell Me The Odds, or Do Or Do Not. You pretty much have to guess at what will give you the best advantage. If you fear Elis, go Ins. If you want to go straight on the offensive, go Odds. If you fear SA, go DODN. You can only cancel Visage by Transmission Terminated, but don’t count on it. Blast The Door Kid will come in handy, as will It’s a Trap and Houjix. You gotta play smart.

Operatives/ISB– Start Battle Plan and move quickly. They probably won’t be able to stand against your Clouds except for Bossk In Bus and Fett in Slave I, so just save the Local Defense, and drain like a madman. Speed ISB will really hurt you, but watch for opportunities to deploy 3 or 4 elom’s to where that lone ISB imp is, and you might cause some pain.

Big Blue– Take control of Bespin and don’t let go Make those Bespin Defense Fighters work Put the MedBulks at clouds and save a Local defense in case the Bus tries to get you. RLIR1, GLIG1 can be used as suicide people to take out that lone Dreadnaught at Kashyyyk and what not. DO NOT go and attack. If your drains are small don’t try deploying miners, try causing more damage with Odds.

Anything Else- I would usually start Insurrection unless I knew what the opponent was playing beforehand. The one deck I worry about are decks with tons of TIEs, in that case I would pile concentrate on Odds to cause damage and I wouldn’t try to beat them out in a showdown.

This is still VERY VERY beta-ish. I think this can work, but it might take a while. PLEASE give real, concrete examples on what to do with this deck. Try rating this more on the idea. I need some suggestions on how to improve this, I’ve actually never used a true Numbers deck before. Again, please be gracious.
