
Title: Fortress
Author: Michael "Dvader" Girard
Date: Jan 23, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting Endor Operations/Imperial Outpost Endor EndorBunker EndorLanding Platform (shinny) Prepared Defenses Mobilization Points Imperial Arrest Order You Cannot Hide Forever

Sullest Kashyyk Kessel Rendilli EndorForest Clearing DSIIDocking Bay ExecutorDocking Bay

Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith Grand Moff Tarkin U-3PO (shinny) Prince Xizor 4-lom w/Concussion Rifle Ephant Mon Grand Admiral Thrawn Janus Greejatus Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand (shinny) Admiral Chiraneau Commander Igar (shinny) Guri

Vader’s Lightsaber Mara Jade’s Lightsaber (shinny)

Tempest 1

Virago Dominator Zuckass in Mist Hunter Stinger Avenger Chimaera Dreadnaught Bossk in The Bus Dengar in Punishing One Boba Fett in Slave 1 IG-88 in IG-2000

Perimeter Patrol Battle Order What Are You Trying To Push On Us Lateral Damage x2 Secret Plans Oppressive Enforcement First Strike Security Precautions Ominous Rumors Imperial Decree Something Special Planned For Them

Masterful Move Projective Telepathy x2 Ghhk Monok Twilek Advisor Always Thinking With Your Stomach

Strategy: ‘

Update - I guess some people need decks spelled out for them. This deck drains in bunches in space. It sets up like clockwork and if the opponent doesn’t have any space then you can out drain even the best speed operative decks with this. Ominous Rumors makes all your drains +2 for each Endor site you occupy. Trust me it adds up quickly.

This deck worked over 4 Watch Your Step decks at the I-10 Championship.

Setup First turn, before you activate, pull Rendilli. Activate, during your control phase search for Ominous Rumors. If you have a random mof (janus, tarkin) or ephant mon in your hand, then sac You Cannot Hide Forever for Perimeter Patrol. During your deploy phase, pull a docking bay, lay rendilli, the mof, ominous rumors, and perimeter patrol and draw. You can afford to draw for the next few turns (after searching for your other docking bay). This deck likes to have one large battle in space where the deck draws multiple destiny (thrawn, ig88 in ship, bossk in the bus, xizor in ship, guri in ship) and then just have extra power from random ships.

Bad matchups = revolutions (beatdown in the bunker) and MWYHL training. I took out the training protection (cave/failure) for the new reflections cards that are better beatings. ‘