Harbingers Hidden Weapon Squads 2

Title: Harbingers Hidden Weapon Squads 2
Author: Martin "Harbinger" Parzonka
Date: Jan 23, 2001 Rating: 4.5



’ Starting 1 Hidden Base/Systems Will Slip Through Your Fingers 1 Rendezvous Point 1 (Hidden Base System) 1 Heading For The Medical Frigate 1 Squadron Assignments 1 Superficial Damage 1 Do, Or Do Not & Wise Advice

Locations 1 Aquaris 1 Coruscant 1 Kashyyyk 1 Kessel 1 Ralltiir 1 Sullust

Characters 1 Bren Quersey 1 Captain Han Solo 1 Dash Rendar 1 Elyhek Rue 1 Lieutenant Blount 1 Lieutenant Naytaan 1 Mirax Terrik 1 Ralltiir Freighter Captain 1 Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader 2 Luke Skywalker, Rebel Scout 2 Obi-Wan Kenobi 1 Leia With Blaster Rifle

Starships 1 Gold Squadron 1 1 Outrider 1 Pulsar Skate 1 Red 7 1 Red 8 1 Red 9 1 Red Squadron 1 1 Tala 2

Interrupts 1 Organized Attack 2 Out Of Commission & Transmission Terminated 2 Rapid Fire 2 Slight Weapons Malfunction 2 The Signal 2 Power Pivot

Effects 1 Haven 2 Kessel Run 1 Legendary Starfighter 1 Traffic Control 1 Lightsaber Proficiency 1 Strikeforce

Weaponry 1 Concussion Missiles 3 X-wing Laser Cannon 1 Luke’s Lightsaber 1 Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber

Admiral’s Order 1 I’ll Take The Leader ‘

Strategy: ‘


First of all, choose whatever hidden base you want, I alternate between Kessel, Aquaris and Sullust.

Start off by deploying systems, (“gee, you think?” (Sarcasm)) Always deploy Kessel and Coruscant last, don’t want to be giving the opponent force to play with. If you get Haven in your starting hand, deploy Sullust with Haven on it, now you can get just about all your matching pilot/ship combos using Squadron Assignments deploying for just 1 force. If you don’t get Haven in your hand use Signal, if you don’t get Signal, deploy Sullust or Kashyyyk and a ship to the Rendezvous Point, that way next turn you can get another pilot/ship to the system you deployed and move the ship at Rendezvous Point to back it up.

Basically just repeat deploying pilot/ships and systems each turn and then fortify Kessel and Coruscant for big drains. Also put Red 7 and pilot at Ralltiir for an extra drain. Continue Kessel Running (actually you can only do it twice if you have Outrider deployed) and make them count, either use the Ralltiir Freighter Captains on Gold Squad 1, Outrider or Pulsar Skate to retrieve 10, or use Mirax on Pulsar Skate to retrieve 7 when Kessel Running from Ralltiir, or 10 when from Coruscant (not recommended sice it will take double the amount of turns due to the parsec difference). Sorry no one turn Kessel Runs in here, I am forced to use Gold Squadron 1 since I don’t have the Falcon, but by all means change it if you have the real Falcon, NB Gold Squadron 1 does count as Falcon for purposes of any card which targets the Falcon, eg. Legendary Starfighter.

Leia is for Super Falcon, but if you have too, she can go to ground, but try to avoid that.

If your opponent decides to battle you, use Rapid Fire to pull a weapon, deploy it on a ship in battle fire it, use Slight Weapons Malfuntion to add destiny, and watch you opponent cry as you just forfeit the weapon to cover battle damage and attrition. NB never deploy weapons without using Rapid Fire, it’s a waste if your opponent dosen’t come to battle you. Also when in battle try to deploy a X-Wing Cannon on one of the ships that add 1 to weapon destiny.

None of the weapons in this deck can target capital starships, but that dosen’t matter since most decks use the Bounty Hunter ships.

Secret Plans is annoying but you just have to manage your Force properly and you will get past it, if you don’t have enough to pay for the retrieval you can always do things like choose not to use the game text of Pulsar Skate (it says may add ability) and just retrieve a little less.

There is one card that I can think of that will help this deck, it is Concentrate All Fire, with the weapons in this deck, the average X-Wing will be power 8. If there are any suggestions as to what to take out to put this in, it will be greatly appreciated.

Also, I don’t have Jedi Luke, EPP Luke or EPP Obi, so I use what I have.

I took out Farmboy Luke and Artoo in Red 5, since I put in two Luke, Rebel Scout, it seemed like having three Lukes was overkill, but I liked the power he provided in space. Was it a good choice to take him out?

Well this strategy section is rather lengthy but this is the home straight so on we go.

Against major decks

HDADTJ Cancel Visage as soon as you can, using Transmission Terminated. You have Luke, you have Obi, high destiny deck I wouldn’t be too afraid to duel. Plus you can retrieve. If they come to space, they won’t stay around long.

ISB Blount, Blount, he’s our man if he can’t do it… someone else probably will. Simple deploy Coruscant and throw Blount and some major backup there, they won’t flip, and as an extra added bonus, all Imperials deploy +2, OK that won’t do much against Outer Rim Scouts, but as long as they don’t flip it dosen’t matter. NB wait to see if they deploy Coruscant system first so you can convert it, and not have them convert yours, even though Blount can deploy to the Darkside version, you will lose the nice force drain.

BHBM Use Luke for suicide runs as he can be deployed from lost pile. If you want give them Luke, they will lose 1 each of there turns, and it’s not likely they will win many battles, as you pretty much stay in space, you will out drain them. Plus there’s the fact that you can retrieve.

RalOps Deploy Ralltiir from reserve deck and they will have a harder time to flip as they will have to come to space to stop you controlling a Ralltiir location, of course you will then pound them. I played my friend’s ROps deck and he did manage to flip but the -1 froce drains didn’t hurt too much as I just stayed at Coruscant and Kessel, and after beating his ships put Red 7 and pilot at Ralltiir to add to the drain there. Plus with Strikeforce that -1 dosen’t mean anything.

I haven’t played Agents of Black Sun or MKOS but I would guess you would just win the drain war and beat the crap out of piss-ant aliens.

Well that’s all for now, thanks for your time and I hope you like the deck. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Harbinger ‘