Hits from the peace pipe

Title: Hits from the peace pipe
Author: Cullen "Sigmar" Burns
Date: Jan 23, 2001 Rating: 2.0



‘Starting Stuff SYCFA alderaan death star docking bay death star frist strike mob. points there is no try/ oppressive enforcement preparded defenses

Locations kessel wakeemui endor kiffex sullust

Characters arica u-3po darth vader with saber

Interrupt 5 all power to weapons 2 dark moonevers & tallon roll 3 masterful move 3 twi’lek advisor ghhhk 2 imperial berrier

Effects 2 sienar fleet systems 3 there will be hell to pay bad feeling have i you cannot hide forever secret plans pride of the empire lateral damage

Starships 11 interperors 5 dreadnought

Other 2 battle deployment ‘

Strategy: ‘

its a tie deck you know what to do. ‘