SYCFA Big Blue

Title: SYCFA Big Blue
Author: Rich "ONE-ARM" Jeffery
Date: Jan 25, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting SYCFA/Who the hell flips this. Death Star D Docking Bay 327 Alderaan Prepared Defenses (Against Most Decks) Opressive Enforcement You Cannot Hide Forever Mobilization Point

Characters Grand Admiral Thrawn x2 Captain Gilad Pallaeon x2 Admiral Chiraneau x2 Darth Vader With Saber x2 Emperor Palpatine Commander Merrejk Captain Needa Admiral Piett Admiral Ozzel Admiral Motti Captain Godherdt Captain Sarkli DS-61-2 DS-61-3 DS-61-4

Star Destroyers Chimaera x2 Avenger Devastator Dominator Vengeance Thunderflare Flagship Executor Accusser

Admiral’s Orders We’re In Attack Position Now x2

Effects There’ll Be Hell To Pay x2 Lateral Damage Presence Of The Force Secret Plans Security Precautions Something Special Planned For Them

Locations D War Room Rendili Kashyyyk Fondor Mon Calamari Kessel Endor Sullust

Interrupts Always Thinking With Your Stomach x2 Twi’lek Advisor Gravity Shadow Imperial Command x3 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Alright I’ll start with the matchups.

Vs. Profit Start Secret Plans rather than YCH4E. Spread in Space. Use EPP Vader for hits. Use ATWYS to make HAn missing if you can. Your drains should win the day.

Vs. Watch Your Step. Start SSP4T, Secret Plans and Moby Points. Against Space you out power them, and against ground you out drain them. Either way their retreival is halted or severly slowed.

Vs. MWYHL I wanted Broken concetration in here but I couldn’t find room. Start Secret Plans rather that YCH4E. Try to get some bigger drains fast, but you should drain for enough even after they flip. This should be a relativly easy game.

Vs. EBO Hahaha You crush More power Destinies and drains = You Win.

Vs. Hidden Base Again Almost and Auto Win.

Vs. TIGIH You Cannot Hide forever protects from inserts. If they move luke over to your DB and he’s captured drop Vader pick the two up in a star destroyer and sit there. You might not want to keep a guy at the Docking Bay because they can still stack cards. Beat up any space they have. Super Falcon is dead to the Imperial SuperBeast as Diablo ”Diablo” Campbell put it in his article (Reflections Tech Part Deux).

Now For the game play. First turn before you activate grab Rendili or Executor (if you drew rendili) and if you put out YCH4E grab security precautions. Drop a dude and the DB and deploy DWar Room from Reserve. That means you’d have 12 Force + what ever the opponent put down + any systems you played on SECOND TURN From then on you drop an admiral and Star destroyer at all drain 3 systems (With Chiraneau out). Just sit a drain. Use EPP Vader for hits and use Palpy and the DDB for the activation or to satisfy things like battle plan.

Now Card Choices

Oppressive Enforcement rather that combo The +1 destiny to ships is nice and I don’t have much that can be altered or Sensed.

YCH4E/SecPre The extra 1 activation might not seem like much but it helps. Also anti numbers is always great.

Flagship Executor It’s Cheaper plus the AO makes it somewhat immune.

Dominator Pure Awsome tech. I love this card.

Gravity Shadow Cool Card read it if you haven’t can be killer and hurts hyper escape.

Cards I’d like to find room for U-3PO and 1 or 2 Death Squadron SDs

Thanks For Looking. Rich ’ONE-ARM’ Jeffery ‘