You Better Watch Your Step

Title: You Better Watch Your Step
Author: Rich "ONE-ARM" Jeffery
Date: Jan 25, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting Watch Your Step/TPCBALR Tatooine TDB94 TCantina H4TMF Aim High Staging Areas Insurrection

Characters Lando With Blaster Pistol Han With Blaster Pistol x2 Chewbacca With Blaster Rifle x2 Palace Raider x3 Ralltiir Freighter Captain x3 Melas x2 Talon Karrade x2 Mirax Terrik x2 Luke With Lightsaber x2 Wedge Antilles x2 Dash Rendar Theron Nett

Effects Ounee Ta Order To Engage WYTTPOU x2

Interrupts The Bith Shuffle/Desperate Reach Nar Shadda Wind Chimes/Out Of Some Where Nar Shadda Wind Chimes x2 Out of Comission/TT x2 Don’t Get @#$%y Insertion Planning x2 Fallen Portal x2 Tunnel Vision Life Debt Rebel Barrier

Blue Falcon Outrider Pulsar Skate Patrol Craft x4

Locations EndorDB EndorBackdoor H1DB Kessel ‘

Strategy: ‘

IMPORTANT Change Take out One of the Insertion Plannings and put in a second Bith Shuffle Combo card.

Okay I’ll start with the general premise. Set up drains at all the locations you can pull. At Kessel drop a ship a Captain and another smuggler. You should be able to flip first turn most times. Use the battle destinies to your advantage. Tracking isn’t nesessary for this deck but it’s nice to know what you’re drawing.

Most matchups end up the same just sit on what you have and drain. It’s pretty easy to win with this deck if you’re careful.

Card Choices Chewie with gun He can hit people and make them Forfeit 0 with the destinies of this deck that mean that you can hit most people even without the +1

Mirax Like Janus Before her she is a tracking God. READ Viper’s Tracking articles if you haven’t read them already. They help a lot. (Note You Don’t need to if you are a pro who is already great at tracking)

Luke with saber Efficency and I don’t have an extra Jedi Luke.

Wedge Can you say Forfeit 12

Why the Combo Nar Shadda and normal? Well I like out of Somewhere because a lot of my smugglers have low power and I get extra destinies, but I still like the high destiny of the original Nar shadda so I compimised.

Insertion Planning High destiny and the Captains can use it.

Thanks for looking. Rich ’ONE-ARM’ Jeffery ‘