Brangus Glee Superstar V2 0

Title: Brangus Glee Superstar V2 0
Author: Bastian "Death Star" Winkelhaus
Date: Jan 27, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective (1) Set your course for Alderaan

Locations (10) Death Star Alderaan Kashyyyk Wakelmui Death Star War Room 3x Death Star Docking Bay Tatooine Cantina Hoth Wampa Cave

Characters (15) EPP Vader Darth Vader, DLOTS Mara Jade Mighty Jabba Prince Xizor The Emperor Sim Aloo Janus Greejatus 3x Brangus Glee Myom Onith Barquin Dan Dengar with gun Ig-88 with gun

Starships (6) Death Star Assault Squadron The Emperors Shield The Emperors Sword Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Boba Fett in Slave 1 Bossk in Hounds Tooth

Interrupts (14) 2x Imperial Barrier 3x Put all sections on alert Masterful Move Monnok A dangerous time Overload Control/Set for Stun Twilek Advisor Prepared Defenses Frustration Shut him up or shut him down

Effects (14) There is no try/Oppresive Enforcement Battle Order Mobilization Points You cannot hide forever Broken Concentration Blast Door controls First Strike Lateral Damage Reactor Terminal Imperial Decree Come here you big coward Sienar Fleet Systems 2x Therell be hell to pay

Strategy: ‘

** ”The Emperor” is of course the big fat destiny 6 man and not that @#$%ty new clone **

First I have to admit that my first posting of this deck was not really playtested. I changed about 6 cards before playing it in a tournament. But before posting a second version I wanted to wait for the new cards.

For the general strategy, please refer to my first version of this deck if you havent seen it before.

Allways start There is no try/Oppresive and Mobilization Points, against EBO third effect will be Decree, else You cannot hide forever.

For all those of you who complained about my damage potential I doubled it by adding Kashyyyk This also allows me to satisfy Battle Order everytime.

The main change is the addition of two grabbers while dropping Voyeur. I did it because of WYS, Voyeur is a bit silly against its flip side. Secondly everybody will be playing TT/Out of commision and I cant afford to have a DB placed out of play. Other annoying cards you might want to grab are Fallen Portal, Hyper Escape, Organized Attack etc.

Against Profit you now start Mighty Jabba and Prince Xizor.

I will do some more playtesting before adding a strategy against WYS.

The big advantage of this deck is still the surprise factor, Im now 13-0 in sanctioned tournaments with it but still most people dont know how to play against it

Have fun with it Bastian Winkelhaus ‘