We will start at my mark smugglers from the HB to Kessel

Title: We will start at my mark smugglers from the HB to Kessel
Author: Ryan "VaderDD" Schele
Date: Jan 27, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (8) Hidden Base/SWSTYF Rendevous Point Heading for the Medical Frigate Insurection (drop this if you suspect SAC) Strike Planning Do or Do not & Wise Advice (if you suspect sense and alter play this) Squadron Assignments

Starships (14) Home 1 Blue Squadron B-wing x3 Gold Squadron Y-Wing x2 Red Squadron X-wing Red Squadron 1, 4, 7 R2-D2 in Red 5 Lando In Falcon Liberty Independence

Characters (19) hobbie wedge RSL luke rebel scout obi wan kenobi elyhk rue twass khaa ackbar kal fal cindros ral. freighter cp. x2 GENERAL MADINE han with gun chewie with gun biggs boussh hasshn hol okland bren quersy naytaan

effects (7, Look at starting for the other one) haven rebel fleet aim high kessel run x2 ounee ta traffic control

interrupts (11) control/tunnel vision organized attack x2 the signal x2 effective repairs x2 out of commission/transmission terminated houjix/out of nowhere

weapons (1) xwing laser cannons

systems (8) roche endor kessel kiffex x2(possible hb) rallitir yavin 4 x2(possible hb) ‘

Strategy: ‘

If you want you can take out a Kiffex and put in 3 yavin 4’s. This way when they look through your deck you can make them think it is not your HB. At the start of the game pull Crix Madine. From there you pull a Raliter Frieghter Captain. When you get all of or almost all of your systems out (Raliter and Kessel a must) you flip your Obj (obviously),then you pull Kessel Run if you dont already have it and target a raliter frieghter captain at raliter on Lando In Falcon. Make sure You have Back-up at kessel like Red Squad. 1 and 4 with pilots and an x-wing laser cannon on RS4. Use Luke, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han With gun, and Chewie With Gun to destroy them on the ground. Use Boushh and HB to block/cancel force drains. Use Effective Repairs to get Kessel Run Back Into your hand after you complete it so you can retreive the effective repairs and you should end up with no lost force at the end of the game. ‘