OMDH LA style

Title: OMDH LA style
Author: Jeremy "pakkratt" Sumrall
Date: Jan 28, 2001 Rating: 3.0




Hidden Base Rendezvous Point HB indicator Squadron assignments Insurrection Staging areas Heading for the medical frigate


Tatooine Alderaan Tatooine Docking Bay Spaceport Docking Bay


Ben Kenobi x3 Luke, Jedi Knight x3 Captain Han Solo x2 EPP Leia x2 Lando w/vibro axe x2 Melas Dash Rendar Orrimaarko Wedge, Red Squadron Leader


Millenium Falcon x2 Outrider Red Squadron 1


Obi’s saber Ani’s saber


A Few Maneuvers x4 Out of Commission/Transmission Terminated x4 Fallen Portal x3 Tunnel Vision x2 Rebel Barrier x2 Surprise Assault The Signal


OMDH x3 Honor of the Jedi Menace Fades Tatooine Celebration Legendary Starfighter

Admiral’s Orders

I’ll Take the Leader x3

Strategy: ‘

Response to review’s

Let’s see you come to a tournament here with any kind of deck Brangus. Next time review the deck with some helpful advice. And if you do come maybe I can show you exactly how it works after I beat you with it.

I have had this deck for 3 weeks now so it was made before that new age OMDH that is already posted. Anyway, straight to matchups.

Hunt Down

4 TT should get rid of visage fast. Track a few maneuvers for duel destinies and fallen portals. Retrieve and force drain at the db’s on Tatooine and you should win.


Until vader hit’s the table, use Luke in battles. Give them luke and battle vader off the table. with 4 Out of commision’s in the deck, placing vader out of play could be easy. Track, retrieve, and drain at the Db’s will win the game.


Your starships can handle ties easily. Track high destinies and play legendary starfighter on falcon. You can also control wakemuile and make their ties deploy more. A few maneuvers should keep your starships from getting blown away by tie cannons.


Battle at the docking bays and use fallen portals. Your retrieval will keep you in the game while your 6’s will kill off their characters.

I know secret plans is always played but you can get around it. If you don’t need to retrive much then only deploy enough charcters to pay for secret plans.

A few maneuvers is a better tracking card than the common throw me another charge or fall of the legend. Play on a starfighter and they can’t look through your deck to verify you don’t have a weather vane. You can also use it to save you from tie cannons so it is more usefull than those other 2 interrupts everyone likes to track.

This deck is currently unbeaten but any helpful ideas will be appreciated. Thanks for taking time to review.

Jeremy ”Pakkratt” Sumrall ‘