Return of the Jedi - New Age OMDH v 2 0

Title: Return of the Jedi - New Age OMDH v 2 0
Author: Ryan "CmdCorranH" Austin
Date: Jan 28, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘STARTING (7) Hidden Base (obj) Yavin 4 (HB indicator) Rendezvous Point Heading for the Medical Frigate Squadron Assignments Staging Areas Insurrection

CHARACTERS (20) Dash Render x2 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x2 Luke W/Lightsaber Mirax Terrik Leia W/Blaster x2 Ben Kenobi x3 Captain Han Solo x2 Chewbacca, Protector Corran Horn Wedge Antillies, Red Squadron Leader Tawss Khaa Orrimaarko Lando W/Vibro Ax x2

EFFECTS (6) Menace Fades OMDH x3 Bacta Tank Wise Advise/Do, Or Do Not

INTERRUPTS (12) Clash of Sabers Gift of the Mentor The Signal Fallen Portal x2 Weapon Levitation x2 Sorry About The Mess/Blaster Pro Courage of a Skywalker Glancing Blow Transmission Terminated/OOC x2

WEAPONS (2) Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber Luke’s Lightsaber

STARSHIPS (6) Outrider x2 M. Falcon x2 Red Squadron 1 Pulsar Skate

ADMIRALS ORDERS (2) Ill Take The Leader x2

LOCATIONS (5) Alderaan Tatooine Tatooine Docking Bay Spaceport Docking Bay Corulag ‘

Strategy: ‘

Responce to reviews

nexus - Great thinking….any idea what to take out? You are telling me to put in 4 cards that I have no room for. Tunnle Vision and Punch it are my 61st & 62nd cards. I just don*t have room.

Voice of Law - 2 Falcons & 2 Outriders are necessary since you need to get one ASAP. Also if one is lost of the top of your reserve deck you still have another with two in your deck. ««««««««»»»»»»»»>

Okay, changes to version 2.0

I added 2 Transmission Terminated/OOC to help battle HDADTJ. They give me much more time in setting up against HD dueling. They allow me to cancel Visage, which gives me more time in which to get my dueling cards (before I would want to whip down Obi/Luke to re-flip the objective). If HDADTJ is popular in your area (its not in mine) I would add one or more Bith Shuffle. But it is not necessary for me. I also removed Tycho and his ship. It was necessary since it allowed me to add the 2 TTM/OOC. I really didnt need that many starships and I like Mirax better then Tycho.

STRATEGY This deck is a very simple deck to figure out since it is a mains & toys deck. With a little OMDH thrown in it makes this deck a force to be reckoned with. Now I know that since I use Dash all my OMDH are placed OOP (even if you make runs with the Falcon) but he is worth having since he is a monster in space. Even with Dash out you will still be able to retrieve 25+ force with your 3 OMDH*s. Dash in Outrider along with Captain Han in the Falcon (and maybe one more pilot to combat Zuckess) can beat of almost anything (together they are power 12, draw 2 destiny, and subtract 6 from your opponent’s power). If you are being threatened in space (ties etc) then just add Leia to the mix and you have a unstoppable combo.

On the ground you have Ben, Luke, Lando, Rimmy, Twass, Furball (chewie) and more. Leia and Corren can be used wherever you need them. Unless your opponent is draining you heavy from a different planet leave you guys on your two docking bays (both on Tatooine).

**NOTE*** Against Hunt Down & COURT, I DO NOT USE MY SPACEPORT DB since they have No Escape. I forgot to mention that in my last deck and got some stars off b/c of it.

Along with your Admirals order and lightsaber bonus you really make your opponent lose a lot. Fallen Portal is a very nice card since I normally have good destinies in my reserve deck (I use all the low ones on the table and most of the R2 characters are destiny 3). If you are getting drained from afar deploy your spaceport docking bay onto their planet (if you can’t deploy it to their planet then chances are that they will have started a docking bay). Move Ben Over if possible and use Luke and your other beats to quench their fire. This deck is MADE for battling (look at the interrupts) so in most battles you will win. This deck also activates big amounts of force, so don*t worry about high deploy costs.

Also, for those of you who are wondering why I dont use the Home One tech to do OMDH, heres why. I have tried it before and it doesn*t work nearly as well. It takes one more turn (unless you have a transport vehicle), is much more card intensive, and if Home One dies you are toast. Trust me, it is much better the way I do it.

This deck also have a cool cycle, that I think is worth mentioning. If you are battling at the Tatooine System and have Bacta Tank out as well as Ill Take The Leader the you can keep cycling your pilots and ships. If you need to lose a lot for power then just lose the pilot of one ship to the bacta tank and then lose the ship. The Admirals order allows you to send the starship to a related docking bay so send the ship to the Tatooine docking bay. Then next turn grab the pilot from the tank, deploy him in his ship again, and get him back into the battle.

In both space and ground you have big power which mixed with your retrieval and direct damage is a big power.

AGAINST BHBM It will kinda stink not having Luke. But fortunately you have many other beats. Get down to just the Tatooine docking bay (dont use the spaceport) and use the rest of your guys to do dirty work off planet. You wont have much problem with space. Along with your retrieval, beats, Fallen Portals, and drains you will win most games.

AGAINST COURT/SCUM Would be hard but I am very prepared for Scum decks. Fallen Portal is great for smoking bounty hunters or musicians and Weapon Levitation is to grab Snoova*s Vibro Ax from his hairy grasp. Their starships are no match for your space fleet combined with the AO, so you will have no trouble there (I play COURT all the time and have NEVER had trouble in space). Play right and you will win most every game.

AGAINST Hunt Down Against a batting HD deck you should be able to win almost every time. Get some spy to the Holotheatre and cancel Visage. From then its smooth sailing. As you can see, I am very prepared for dueling hunt down (which may I add, doesnt even exist where I play). But what the heck, I’ll prepare for it anyways. I have two anti-duel cards as well as weapon levatation (grab Vader*s LS) and Fallen Portal (I nail Tarkin a lot with this card which makes my opponent have to cancel my Fallen Portal destiny instead of a dueling one). The TMT/OOC really help against HDADTJ since it gives me longer to set up. If you take your time and get set up dueling Hunt Down with be a walk in the park. Retrieve any early loses from Visage with OMDH.

AGAINST SPACE Unless it is Ties it should be rather simple. Until you try out these starships you dont know how powerful they really are. Against Ties DONT SPREAD. Keep your ships together (unless moving to Alderaan) and use your AO to it*s fullest potential. As long as you make no stupid mistakes you will win.

Also, for people who think I don*t activate enough, let me tell you that I can activate 13 most of the time + whatever I am given. Also SECRET PLANS DOES NOT HURT ME. I only use OMDH 3 times and I activate enough to get around it. I know almost every dark deck now stars Secret Plans so I am prepared for it.

THANKS for looking and please D-Mail me any questions

Thanks, CmdCorrenH