This Destiny is getting worse all the time

Title: This Destiny is getting worse all the time
Author: Tom "Gand" Culpepper
Date: Jan 28, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Start(6) TDIGWATT CCCarbonite Chamber All Wrapped Up Secret Plans Any Methodslisted in deck as well (IG-88 w/gunjust my personal favorite) (CCSec tower)

Locations(5) Bespin Bespin Cloud City CC Downtown Plaza CC Port Town Dist CC East Platform

Characters(20) Lobot Lando Snoova Sim Aloo Prince Xizor Mighty Jabba Boba Fett w/Blaster Grand Admiral Thrawn Mara Jade Darth Vader, DLOTS Darth Vader w/Saber Janus Guri x2 Kir Kanos Vigo x2 4-LOM w/Concussion Rifle Myn Kyneugh Emperor Palpatine

Vehicles(6) Bossk in Hound’s Tooth Chimaera Blizzard 2 OS-72-1 in Obs 1 OS-72-2 in Obs 2 Tempest Scout 6

Weapons(6) Vaders Saber Maras Saber Force Pike x2 Vibro Axe x2

Effects(10) Dark Deal Search And Destroy Overseeing It Personally Reactor Terminal Cloud City Occupation Inconsequential Losses All Too Easy x2 The Emperor’s Prize x2

Interupts(7) Sniper & Dark Strike A Real Hero x2 Any Methods Nessicary(s) Ellis Helrot Twe’lik Advisor x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Strategy is to deploy your characters in batches such that you get multiple destinies. If they leave you totaly alone they are insane… your drain potential is outrageous… to the tune of 25 per turn and 5 more in occupation…. that does a deck in in hmmm… 2 turns, if NOTHING has been deployed by the opponent.

Most of the character combinations in the deck can draw multiple destinies when together, or use Guri to limit the opponent to just one. More strategy later on… late, going to bed. ‘