H2O’s Not a piece of @#$% light deck

Title: H2O’s Not a piece of @#$% light deck
Author: Justin "H2O" Desai
Date: Jan 29, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘start(7) HB strike planning insurrection staging areas HB indicator starting interupt r. point

locations 5 dagobah yoda’s hut home one docking bay endor docking bay endor

characters(17) 3x epp obi 3x jedi luke gen solo Capt solo 2x epp leia lando w axe gen madine blount wedge corran horn twas kha orinmarko

weapons(1) anakins

ships(2) 2x falcon

effects(3) honor 2x revo

Interupts(25) 6x Sense-yes thats right sense, more on this later. the signal 3x control tunnel vision alter 2x clash of sabers 2x double agent 2x glancing blow 2x courage 3x ooc/tt 2x I know 2x Don’t get @#$%y ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck looks weak on papere but it is a beast. I got the idea from what Gerry Carmen played at worlds day 2. He used HB for insane activation, let his activive pile get to like 25-30 cards then just beat the ** outta them witha one turn knockout blow. Lemme explain a few card choices first 6x Sense- k first thing you think is this, sense? WTF? Haven’t you seen Oppresive/TINT. well yes I have but think about it, how many people are gonna play that and no escape? Well of course some our but not all people, no escape is primarily played in huntdown decks, huntdown decks usually don’t play mich sac protection because of the obj. Decks like MKOS and Big blue will most definately have TINT/oppresive but might not have no escape. Court will have both, but against any deck that runs both just save your sac for key moments and lose the three force to cancel one of their key cards. Example, they have jabba and xizor at The audience chamber, you’ve been saving up maad force for a beatdown, you drop han, luke and leia. He barriers and also plays none shall pass. Well you lose 6 force canceling those cards. You then battle, clash xizor and beta up on jabba, witha few destiny adders he’s gonna lose alot more than 6 cards.

2x Double agent-when you drop madine at the home one docking bay, he’s mara bait.  thats why you deploy blount with him and if they come down with mara you just kill her with double agent.  2 card slots that are destiny 6 AND protect madine from gettinghis @#$% kicked?	sweet

2x Revo--How many SYCFA have you seen lately?  Thats right not that many.. How many huntdown?  thats right, alot.  Revo flat out hurts huntdown.  If they actually play crush and evaders just lose your revos to their drains while you’re waiting to apply the smack.

Gen solo--he is absolutely great.  You take him from reserve deck. And both your destiny adders cards(i know and don’t get @#$%y) are han related so to get an invincible beatdown crew you need to draw a luke a leia and your destiny adders.  This will be a brezze since you’ve also got 3x tunnel vision.  Think about it, for 18 force(13 if they’re stupid enough to goto the endor docking bay, you’ll have 15 power, 6 destinies, and a gun shot.  Those six destinies will usualy amount to about 20 so you’ll have a formidible force.
Sites-  They give you plenty of active.  Madine goes to home one docking bay, dagonag pulls the hutt and endor is a twix for you(with strike planning).  You’ll generally have about 13 force a turn, but the real key is that since this deck doesn’t really do any thing, it just plays reactive, you’ll find it really easy to save force.  In most games you’ll have 20-30 active at a time.

Ok–Now that I’ve brainwashed you, heres the matchups.

Vs. Huntdown– Not an easy game but huntdown by no means dominates this matchup. They’ll put down vader and tarkin early and most likely try to make another site to get of S&D. Just take the visage los early one and drop your crew about turn 3-4 for a beating. An early TT can help you out but by no means neccseasry. Your dueling proetction is strong. You should be able to out battle them eventually and revo will help. If tey play with crush you might be in for a hard time but one big battle with your big guns will most likely give them a disadvantage they can’t rebound from. Visage will be your friend at the end.

Court-MKOs. Save force early–Drop down your mains, sense their interupts na djust lose the damn force for it. End the game in one battle. Jedis beat aliens any day of the weak. If this is realy popular in your area, take out 2x double agent and add in 2x fallen portal.

Ties–Super falon with sac and ornmarko at the DS dockingbay…need we say more? Get solo on his ship with leai, add on luke and you can play all your destiny adders. Easy game.

Big blue endor or SYCFA. Beat them on land… Don’t rely on the super falcon totaly, bring it out late game. eventually they’ll have to come out on the ground, make them pay for it. Against Endor use revo wisley.

BHBM – Tough tough matchup. Try to use luke to cause some damage beofre you finally give him up. Get a beatdown crew of han, leia , obi and another scrub. Phat thing is that since you can get luke from reserve deck and han from reserve deck, Don’t get @#$%y is the @#$%ing bomb Sometimes even if they have vader out, don’t give him luke and just applay the beating somewhere else. What’s 3 force loss compared to a beatdown for them? Tough game but you should be able to pull it off.

Thats about it, the deck is a machine…It’s a damn machine. ‘