Author: Geoff "gsiva" Snider
Date: Jan 29, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective Bring Him Before Me

Locations (5) DS2 throne room DS2 docking bay executor docking bay spaceport docking bay rendili

characters (23) emperor x2 lord vader x2 epp vader x2 thrawn x2 igar x2 cpt.pellaeon lennox cabbel evax ds-61-2 ds-61-3 ds-61-4 ds-181-3 chiraneau nemet ozzel godherdt major rhymer

starships (8) conquest devastator vengeance executor chimaera thunderflare avenger bossk in hound’s tooth

combat vehicles (4) tempest 1 blizzard 2 blizzard walker x2

interrupts (1) prepared defenses

effects (10) your destiny insignificant rebellion imperial arrest order mobilization points battle order come here you big coward secret plans first strike x2 emperor’s power

admiral’s orders (8) battle deployment x3 we’re in attack position now x3 fighters coming in x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

okay so recyclying high destinies is the shiznit…and i’ve been a fan ever since a friend of mine creamed me with ’em way back in the day…so when AO’s came out, i was like “whoa i can recycle 6’s without them getting sensed or grabbed” so i’m a fan.

basically this deck activates upwards of 10 force on turn 2 depending on what your opponent starts with, and most light decks these days rely on minimal space power. these are the decks you will crush with the blitzkrieg.

i decided to do an update for this deck since Thrawn was released…now you’re getting 3 destiny in space, and with 2x Igar you’re getting 3 destiny on the ground as well (all courtesy of “the Emperor’s Power”).

you win every battle because you have huge force + huge destiny, so your opponent is losing cards to insignificant rebellion left and right. all the destinies + your immunity from the AO’s and walkers provide you with a great amount of staying power. remember that interrupts are your worst enemy…that’s why i pack 2x first strike.

so anyways, basically this deck either works …or it gets creamed by some really non-interactive deck (like jedi testing usually, or maybe some stupid #s deck with hit and run epps).

this one is your best bet for beating this damned WYS crap that everyone thinks is so broke. they cannot hope to EVER keep you off the tatooine system if you’re drawing 3 destiny…especially if you have a Chimaera w/immune to <8 or an Executor w/immune to <14 they will never get all that with 2 destiny. their celebration will fail. their harvesting family will get b1tch beat by igar and monkeys in walkers, and luke will be captured by vader.

when you rate this deck, remember that it is strictly a meta choice and not to be played while mike girard is busy running some sabbac crap, or tim guzman is inserting AFA on you every turn. remember not to be gay, and you will have fun running this against ANY interactive deck.

OH and if you want to beat up luke every turn (because people WILL run the new luke), then you just track 2 AO’s. ha ha


geoff ‘