Title: BRING me the NUMBERS
Author: Matt "TmastamattC" Ehrhart
Date: Jan 29, 2001 Rating: 3.0



‘STARTING BringHimBeforeMe/TakeYourFarther’sPlace Death Star II Throne Room Your Destiny Insignificant Rebellion Prepared Defenses Imperial Arrest Order Mobilization Points Oppressive Enforcement

please keep in mind that this is pre-reflections II… for an update on the deck, you can cut the sense/alters (8 in total). most likely w/ those 8 spots drop in Boba Fett in Slave I, Bossk in Hound’s Tooth, another Masterful Move, Monnok, Sniper x2, No Escape, and a Counter Assult… but here’s the deck before these changes.

LOCATIONS (3) Death Star II Docking Bay Endor Landing Platform (Docking Bay) Gall

CHARACTERS (13) Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand x3 Darth Vader With Lightsaber x2 Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith x3 Emperor Palpatine x2 Tech Mo’r x3

WEAPONS (4) Vader’s Lightsaber x2 Mara Jade’s Lightsaber x2

STARSHIPS (3) Zuckuss In Mist Hunter x3

INTERRUPTS (26) Sense x5 Rise, My Friend x3 Alter x3 Twi’lek Advisor x2 Force Lightning x2 Operational As Planned x3 Shut Him Up Or Shut Him Down Masterful Move The Circle Is Now Complete x3 This Is Some Rescue x3

EFFECTS (3) 3,720 To 1 x2 Emperor’s Power

DESTINY DISPLAY (not including starting) 0’s =3 (all location’s pulled early) 1’s =15 (characters/weapons/starships) 2’s =0 3’s =7 4’s =6 (alters/rise,myfriends that’s it) 5’s =8 (all cycling,except emp’s power) 6’s =13 (unfortunately not all cycling) ‘

Strategy: ‘

MAXIMUS101 is a moron, everyone realizes that one card kills numbers but you should realize that the deck doesn’t revolve just around that one dam card. why do you think i only play two ”numbers”? i just have one question for maximus101, did you even read what i wrote? first off i forgot to mention that you should change the Oppressive Enforcements to the There Is No Try & Oppressive Enforcements. if youre lookin to make this, you may want to fit in a Secret Plans, maybe a First Strike, or even a Battle Order. if you really want more characters in the deck id suggest Prince Xizor, or Dengar With Gun. real simple, and real easy to use. its biggest strong point is everthing in the deck gets two draws, and with such high destiny it should clear most of the table. also with such high destiny, it will help to win the battles and get a card for crossing. which is your overall goal, isnt it? the numbers theme i just threw in cause i thought i would be unexpected, and it was. the set up for the deck is real easy. you start by pulling gall, activating and droping emperor at the DSII docking bay. i use gall for two reasons 1)it gets me to dagobah in case of a training deck, and 2)it was the system i found first. once you drop the emperor find a force lightning. now hes protected, and gives you some time to seach for your attack squad (vader, mara, zuckass, and tech for numbers). once you get vader to a battleground move emperor into the throne room. always remember that mara is a suicide main in this deck, shes just as strong as vader. always remember to add the draw by losing the top card. zuckass doesnt have to kill everthing in space, thats important to know, all he has to do is slow them down. oh and win a few battles, which is important in the deck. YOU MUST WIN BATTLES. reason being is that the destiny is so hi in the deck, that it makes it hard to lose the duel to even attempt to cross. so i figure you need enough cards to cross w/o a draw, when you get that you activate everything and duel w/ no draws. this is a strong deck, it can take on any deck thrown its way. the one big problem it has had is swarms, like speeders or x-wing or even eloms. against those types of decks you need to jump on them early. eloms attack w/ DLOTS and JADE together, never alone. speeders attack as fast as possible and always look for a weak site. x-wings the same thing as speeders, look for a weak spot and attack. now the one deck that people have told me this is week against is hidden base. well theyre wrong, sorry but they are. this deck isnt really a drain deck, its more based on battleing. if it really becomes a problem zuckass has to probe. ‘