MKOS featuring XIZOR V2 0

Title: MKOS featuring XIZOR V2 0
Author: Quirin "el-diablo" Fuergut
Date: Jan 30, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective(1) MKOS/FAI

Characters(26) Myo x3 (rep.) Abyssin x6 Prince Xizor Chall Bekan(foil) Bib Fortuna Ephant Mon Boelo(foil) Mighty Jabba SE Jabba 4-LOM w/gun x2(foil) Boba w/gun x2 Dengar w/gun(foil) Dr.E/PondaB. IGGY w/gun Mosep Gailid Snoova

Weapons(1) Vibro Axe

Ships(2) Zuckuss in Hunter Bossk in Bus

Interrupts(11) Hutt Smooch None Shall Pass x2 Abyssin Ornament x2 Projective Telepathy Twilek Advisor Imperial Barrier Jabbas Twerps Prepared Defenses (s) Point Man

Effects(13) Hutt Influence Scum and Villainy x2(foil) First Strike OE/TINT (s) Secret Plans Power of The Hutt (s) Well Guarded (s) Den of Thieves Grabber S&D No Bargain (s) Resistance

Locations(6) Jabbas Palace (s) Desert heart (s) Audience Chamber JP. Dungeon JP. Lower Passages Tat. Cantina ‘

Strategy: ‘

Well this is the second Version of this Deck which is finally post Refl.2.I live in Ralltiir region and got the new cards last weekend, so I hadnt to much time to test all the stuff.I only played vs. one WYS-deck yet, namely Trackmasters only need to apply… .I won by 25 so I dont fear it cause I think it is an easy Matchup for MKOS.Surely I will test against Versions with Kessel Runs, but Secret Plans and one Grabber should be enough for now.

Now for the main strategy First turns pull your sites with JP-gametext and forfit the sites with aliens.If you get some protection stuff like None Shall Pass get Jabba ASAP to AC and play S&V if you got one.So from now on you can use Jabbas Twerps to get up to 3 Abyssins from your Deck to help the fat @#$%. Next turns try to flip your Objective to battle with more power, or just modify your drains with Gailid + Mosep. Now for some card choices Retrival

S&V - this is the best retrival card for DS combined with First Strike.I often played with this Deck draining at my sites and canceling his drains and had to wait until I had to start the engine.You can battle every turn to retrieve 3 and he looses one, because you have so much strong characters that you never run out of stuff. Projective Telepathy is also great together with this engine so you can battle with one lone scrub a Jedi Luke, Obi and so on.But one thing is very important Be sure that your opponent dont plays with SAC, otherwise forget it if you dont play Ghhhk.This is very important for Newbies cause they think this is safe.

You have also got two other retrival cards The first one is Jabbas Twerps.This cards lets you either retrieve one force for each of you alien leaders on table(once per game) or you can react with up to 3 non-unique aliens to a battle initiated against your alien leader.This card is perfect in this deck because you mainly will have like 4 leaders on table (up to 6).It also has a destiny of 6 so it isnt bad to get as Battle destiny either. The second card is Abyssin Ornament.This card will also allow you to retrieve up to 6 cards and can get you one non-unique alien from Reserve Deck.Perhaps I will exchange it for AO/Wounded Wookie but you cant retrieve with the Combo card so I dont know yet.

Defensive Stuff

OE/TINT - SAC-protection

Secret Plans + Grabber - vs. MWYHL

Barrier + None Shall Pass + Hutt Smooch - help you to keep your sites and protect you from >Undercover Spies.

Objective + Den of Thieves - cancel drains and battle destinies.Also helps a little bit against Grimtashh.

Attack Stuff

S&D - kills every space deck namely EBO,HB AND PERHAPS WYS. Characters - just for Beatdown and drains.

Now for the Matchups

Speeders - I am probably the only player in my area playing with them, cause I traded them all.But if I would really play against one try to get your interior JP-sites and Cantina and drain him there.Use also S&D because he wont play to much characters, and remember his gay droids cant occupy sites.If he plays with Inserts use Resistance and Projective.Should bge interesting.

MWYHL/Test to 6/ with Mains - this is the only other matchup for this Deck.Get your damage going as fast as possible.Broken Concentraion will help a lot, cause if he cant make his tests, Mosep and Gailid will wreck him.Grab his On the Edge, this is really importantIf you play it right you should win.

WYS - As mentioned before I only once played vs one without Kessel Runs.If you really fear this add Ota Gota.But if you can hold your sites and use Resistance this should be really easy.He will drain for 2 at Kessel, and thats not too much.Your drains are higher, you have more power, so whgy should you fear this @#$%.Use Zuckuss and Bossk to do some damage in space.

EBO - easiest Matchup.Get S&D drain ands cancel his stuff.his drains are not higher than 2 per system and you can cancel up to 2.If he plays Swarm be aware of a beatdown.Nothing more to say.

HB/Swarm - the same as above.

Any kind of mains deck - battle, retrieve, battle,… and so on.Try to avoid/stack Fallen Portal, which can really hurt your Abyssians.

Hidden Operatives - You will probably lose.But I dont fear this Deck, cause I still havent seen this Deck played somewhere in my area.

AITC - Cancel Order to engage with Point man if you need to.Vs. Chadra Fans, get Ephant Mon to the Chamber first turn and game over.His guys wont have enough power to beat your scum.easy

AITC/speeders - same as TIGIH/speeders but use Point man to cancel OTE as mentioned above.SHould be one of the tougher matchups.

Have fun with this deck and d-mail me for suggestions.Remember I havent build this deck to win worlds but to win my local.For bigger tournaments which will be later this year it will be modified or exchanged for another deck.Who knows??Thats all for know.Thanx for any reviews or suggestions. ‘