Who says RST ain’t good

Title: Who says RST ain’t good
Author: Phillip "Karrdeshark" Aasen
Date: Jan 30, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Ojective1 RST/GD

Locations7 Rendezvous Point Endor (start) Landing Platform Chief Chirpa’s Hut Rebel Landing Site (start) Back Door Hidden Forest Trail

Characters22 LS, JK EPP Luke Obi-Wan Kenobi EPP Obi DoS EPP Leia General Solo General Crix Madine General Calrissian Tycho Celchu WA, RSL Nein Nunb Figran D’an Seargent Brooks Carlson Corporal Kensaric Lt. Page Colonel Cracken Lt. Blount Orrimaarko CoK Wuta Corporal Midge

Starships6 Gold Squadron 1 Green Squadron 3 Red Squadron 1 Tala 1 Tala 2 Spiral

Weapons1 Ani’s Stick

Admiral’s Order1 I’ll take the Leader

Effects13 YIWYW (start) Close Air Support x2 DODN/WA Squadron Assignments Strike Planning (start) Insurrection (start) Menace Fades Uncontrollable Fury Projection of a Skywalker x2 Draw Their Fire Traffic Control

Interrupts9 The Signal x3 Rebel Barrier I Know Insertion Planning x2 Weapon Levitation HFTMF ‘

Strategy: ‘

Before I begin I would like to give most the credit for this deck to Brian Hunter and Steven Lewis from whom I got the idea for this deck.

Okey-Dokey. Let’s get down to business. First turn Get Crix with Strike Planning and then either (a) get out Kensaric and deploy him to the same site. Or (b) if the opponent gives you two force, get out CoK and use him to get out Wuta. Start Insurrection, Strike Planning and YISYW and then you will most likely ditch the ’Insight’ for either Close Air Support or Squad Assignments depending on what you need. Use Insurrection to get out the Landing Platform first turn and use Wuta from then on. Use Crix each turn to find your scouts and you will flip by third turn. Save getting the second General until you desicevly need Solo or Calrissian. You can search for everything you need to flip so you’ll be fine. Once you flip Your drains are going to drive them up the wall thanks to Midge and you can slow theirs down somewhat w/PoaS. Your space fleet can hold Endor easily while you mutilate them on the ground. You can retrieve 2-5 force a turn once you flip thanks to Figran, Garrison Destroyed, and Draw Their Fire. Now the reasons for cards I use.

Starship mix Great power and easy deploy. Figran Retrievel and Forfeit Fodder Insurrection my scouts are forfeit+2. Awesome Wuta site puller and Forfeit fodder Lt. Page and Orrimaarko Wildcards that can destroy the opponent. Picture this DVDLOTS, Mara, and GMT have just moved in to destroy Crix and Wuta who are all alone. You drop Lt. Page and deploy 2 scouts and Orrimaarko for cheap. You play the Fury. You ditch the ’Insight’ for Close Air Support. You initiate battle. Retrieve w/DTF. What’s this? Page adds a Battle Destiny and CAS adds another+ one destiny to power. You knock three off theirs with an Insertion Planning and draw THREE battle destiny to their one that is minus 3. Let’s say you drew a 2,5, and 3 and they drew a 5, which was -3 and you add a 4 destiny to your power. Your power30 Their power20 They lose 10+2 more from Ori. You utterly defeated them with absolutely no mains. Awesome I’ve done this multiple times so it’s no fluke. Menace Fades puts their drains off slightly Insertion Planning subtracts three from their battle destiny. Six destiny number. I’ll Take the Leader Whips TIE decks


MKOS and COTVG Don’t bother with Menace Fades or PoaS because they’ll cancel it with Hutt Influence. Flip your Obj. and then stay put. Let them come to you unless they are weak at, let’s say, the Dungeon. Drop Cracken+1 or 2 EPPs and slaughter them. could be tough but if you stay on Endor and don’t fight unles you have to, you should stop their retrievel and win.

BHBM Give ’em LS, JK and have fun.

Hunt Down If I may quote the immortal words of Brian Hunter, “Let Vader have his site”. You should be able to toast their ground forces. Easy win.

CCT With Jabba’s Prize it could be trouble. Search for a spy second turn and drop a bunch to set him free. If you can free him before he gets to the Palace, you win. If you can’t slow them down on the way, you are are in deep and probably won’t win. No Bargain+ None Shall Pass will wreak havoc with your deployment to the AC and you won’t be able to release him.

Monkey TIES Draw like mad until you find I’ll Take The Leader. Deploy it and deploy some ships to Wakeelmui and you should be able to destroy them with your Battle Destiny and cancel theirs with Wedge and Tycho. They can’t touch you on the ground and you will win as long as you control Wakeelmui.

Any other deck Let them do what they wan’t on THEIR territory but destroy them if they try to take yours. You shouldn’t have a problem.

This deck may look like a pile but it really kills. D-mail me with any questions you have. Thanks for reading this.