Hey Monkeyboy Another HD deck

Title: Hey Monkeyboy Another HD deck
Author: Adam "ADrake" Drake
Date: Jan 30, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting HDADTJ Epic Duel Executor Meditation Chamber Executor Holotheatre Visage of the Emperor Prepared Defenses Mob. Points IAO There Is No Try/Oppressive Enforcement

Locations Rendili Endor Landing Platform (DB) Executor DB Death Star DB 327

Characters Lord Vader x2 Darth Vader (the original) x2 Vader w/Stick Emperor Palpatine x2 Mara Jade x2 Grand Moff Tarkin x2 Adm. Ozzel Janus Greejatus Price Xizor 4LOM w/Gun Dr. Evazan and Pondo Baba Grand Adm. Thrawn Sim Aloo

Blue Stuff Chimera Boba Fett in Ship Bossk in Ship Zuckuss in Ship Blizzard 2

Weapons Vader’s Saber x2 Mara’s Saber

Interrupts Focused Attack Holonet Transmission Imp. Barrier Masterful Move x2 Oota Goota Solo Twi’lek Advisor Operational As Planned x2 Put All Sections On Alert x2 The Circle Is Now Complete x2 Vader’s Obsession x2

Effects No Escape Reactor Terminal Secret Plans Something Special Planned For Them There’ll Be Hell To Pay Visage of the Emperor ‘

Strategy: ‘

UPDATE Texan- I know that Obi is not in WYS decks, but not everyone is playing WYS. He is still the second best LS character, and most people play with some version of Kenobi. And besides, Circle is a destiny six, what is wrong with that??

What really needs to be explained?

Before you activate first turn, pull Rendili. Activate, pull a DB (DB 327 preferably). You should have at least 6 force, and a Vader of some kind in your hand. Drop to the DB. FLIP Next turn, activate 9 (or more depending on what the LS gives you), grab another DB and proceed to layeth the smack down on Luke and all those other LS jabronis. Duel when necessary, tracking is a must


WYS Very funny. This deck eats WYS for lunch. Far to fast to allow them big power build up. This deck was designed to kill WYS.

EBO Be smart. Space in this deck is small, but potent. USe ships judiciously and drain at the DB’s. This matchup could present a problem, and I might fing room for Imp. Decree if this deck is prevalent in your area.

TIGIH There are so many variations of this deck… Grab Luke and beat with everything else you’ve got. Should not be a problem.

Anything else I dunno… Play casual.

This deck is so well rounded, it really has answers to all the popular LS decks out there right now. Track your big numbers, battle when you gotta, and duel Obi and Luke. That is as simple as it gets… ‘