The Ladies’ Man Presents EBO

Title: The Ladies’ Man Presents EBO
Author: brad "swccguy" eier
Date: Feb 2, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘locations (8)

Hoth power generators

hoth 4th marker

hoth db

hoth warroom

hoth corridor




characters (17)

general calrissian

nien nunb

general solo

COK (yeah, thats disgusting)

General crixxx madine

colonel cracken

lieutenant blount

admiral ackbar

first officer thaneespi

major hassh’n

wedge antillies red squadron leader x 2

corran horny

dash rendar

luke skywalker

boussh (oohhh…its a lady)

obiwan kenobi

blues (12)

rogue 1

rogue 2

rogue 3

rogue 4

home 1




gold squadron 1


tala 1

tala 2

ao s (3)

combined fleet action

capital support

ill take the leader

interrupts (7)

signal x 3

rebel leadership x 2

balanced attack

headiing for the medical frigate

effects (13)

a new secret base x 2




menace fades

battle plan

squadron assignments

strike planning

launching the assault



do or do not/wise ass

Strategy: ‘

update- well it looks like visage will be a problem. is it, sure. are there a few ways to deal with it? sure. i must admit that i dont include a lot of anti hdadtj because in the local meta it is not that popular. but you still have the spies to cancel it. worst case scenario, you stick obi or luke in a t47 and keep both players losing to it. i deleted a 1/2 star review, because simply it did not explain what was wrong with this deck. i may toss out a review that claims s+d will hurt me, mabey not tho.

start 1 and 4 marker

start HFTMF and 3 effects u want (always strike planning). pull madine asap and setup ebo on hoth. the 1st effect you will signal for is ansb.

fight, direct damage and drain in air and land.

the destiny cancelers

wedge + corran or a pilot in a t47

solo + chewbacca

any general or admiral + rebel leadership

that one ao

thanespi in some cases

man thats alot

insurrection in the 61st card in this deck

u dont need close air support cause alot of the time you wont have scouts in speeders o ground (solo/chewie is the exception)

use the one ao+ generals at sites= more force loss for dark

what to do use rebel leadership and your combos + effects and shut down the opponent and beat him. this deck can win many different ways.

always put extra leaders at the warroom it is unexpected and is helpful

the ao’s are trackable 6’s that cant get grabbed

why? well alot of dark decks rely on many destinys (bhbm, hd, scum, ect) and are really weaker without them.


hd- get a spy to the holotheatre. if u can. otherwise put luke or obi in a speeder to keep his obj on the 0 side. fight him with the speeders. drain him with the ships.

bhbm-its like hd without visage. give him luke and try n win some duels.

scum-hmm… well they cant capture guys in speeders. menace bades is anti galid, strikeforce anti barganing table. be smart, dont get raped

space- use your stuff. play the ao u need. one is anti ties, its really cool.

aoBS- i dunno

e or d -mail me any querys.