Horbey’s Huntdown Machine - 2 0

Title: Horbey’s Huntdown Machine - 2 0
Author: joe "brangus" horbey
Date: Feb 3, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting [8]

Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi/Their Fire Has Gone Out Of The Universe

Executor Meditation Chamber

Visage Of The Emperor

Executor Holotheatre

Prepared Defenses

Imperial Arrest Order

Mobilization Points

You Cannot Hide Forever

Locations [5]


Death Star Docking Bay

Cloud City Docking Bay

Cloud City Downtown Plaza

Executor Docking Bay

Characters [17]

Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith x3

Lord Vader x2

Emperor Palpatine x2

Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand x2

Janus Greejatus

Sim Aloo


Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle

IG-88 With Riot Gun

4-Lom With Concussion Rifle

Commander Igar

Dr. Evazan & Ponda Baba

Weapons [4]

Vader’s Lightsaber x2

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber


Starships [5]

Boba Fett In Slave 1


Dengar In Punishing One

Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Boskk In Hounds Tooth

Vehicles [2]

Blizzard 2

Tempest 1

Interrupts [11]

Operational As Planned x2

Masterful Move x2

You Are Beaten

Holonet Transmission x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘


Twi’lek Advisor

Force Lightning

Sniper Dark & Dark Strike

Effects [8]

Visage Of The Emperor x2

Come Here You Big Coward

No Escape

Battle Order

Lateral Damage

Search & Destroy

==This is the second damn time my deck has been chopped off, and here is the killer; my tech rating is going down for 5 star reviews…what the f.u.c.k. is wrong with this site?=

This deck underwent several changes since the last post, one such being protection against TT/OOC. Since I already had 2 Masterful Moves in the deck, 2 Holonet Transmissions were natural add-ins. The second part of my deck that required changing was characters. I had a weak selection of characters previously, but I added in Snoova, Dr. E & Ponda Baba, and 4-lom with Concussion Rifle to further my dominance of the ground. In addition, I changed my ship selection around since I took out Admiral Thrawn, by removing the Devastator and Avenger for Boba Fett In Slave 1 and Dengar In Punishing One. A few minor changes occurred in the Interrupts and Effects, like changing Secret Plans to CHYBC, since CHYBC is more versatile as it can cancel drains.

A few card that I have been experimenting with are

Imperial Supply - Assure a first turn Vader.

Space - I thought about adding in a space package since most light decks can’t handle the dark side in space, unless it is a focused light space deck.

I updated the strategy section as well, so read below.

  • Early Game -

Pull Carida before you activate. First turn search for a battle ground docking bay if you have enough force to get Vader out, otherwise, pull the Executor Docking Bay. Second turn you will most likely have Vader, and you deploy him to one of your docking bays.

  • Mid Game -

When your opponent deploys, crush him. This deck has tons of beat down capability, and should be able to handle anything that comes your way.

  • Late Game -

There is no late game with this deck. Your going to pound your opponent rather quickly.

Now for specific strategy

VS. HB Mains

This game is fairly simple. When he deploys, you stomp him. Well tracked destiny helps in this matchup; though I think it’s nearly impossible for the light side to handle a focused beatdown deck such as this. Remember that You Cannot Hide Forever reduces luke and obi’s defense value by 1. Also, don’t battle at the Docking Bays with your ability 2 characters unless you are 100% sure that your opponent is not holding a Fallen Portal.

VS. Profit

Start Mara and Snoova. Take over the AC and prevent the flip. Develop a presence at Carida and drain at your docking bays with walkers. Your opponent can’t win if he can’t drain you.

VS. Agents In The Court - Aliens

Please; if they are not getting Captured, Choked, Blasted, Shocked, or Excluded, then they are going down to your High Destiny. Play smart and win.

VS. Agents In The Court - Mains

Play the same way as HB Mains.

VS. Watch Your Step

Take control of kessel and you win. No combination of Smugglers are strong enough to hold up against this deck. If Palace Raiders are prevalent in your area, play Guri to control the insane battle destiny.

VS. MWYHL Testing

Set up drains, get S+D going. You will kill him in most cases before he completes his training, or will have crippled him enough to where it doesn’t matter.

VS. Falcon Deck

If your opponent is dumb enough to leave Leia on the falcon, so be it. He won’t be able to drain or battle. If he doesn’t, then just pound the damn thing. Easy win.

I usually give a more detailed strategy section, but this deck isn’t very hard to play. I would almost go so far as to say it plays itself.

  • Joe Horbey