Its a hit

Title: Its a hit
Author: Dylan "CannedMunki" Bensel
Date: Feb 3, 2001 Rating: 1.5




Death star trash compactior

Obi wan’s hut

Jutland waste lands

Dockin bay 94


Its a hit X 10

It could be worse X 15


Electro Binoculars X 5

Vaparator X 2


Reflection X 2


Leia X 2

Luke X 2

Obi X 2

Han Solo X 2

Lando X 2


Light saber X 3

Obi’s saber X 2

Luke’s saber X 2

Anikinz saber X 2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck will never lose force

first deploy electros on a charactor which is in the trash compactor.

deploy light sabers on all the charactors

use electros to get a its a hit in hand and it could be worse

it could be worse makes the you lose no force

It’s a hit cancels ITs worse

Force drain at alot at the trash compactor and lose no force.

I Know this isnt a long strategy but it works.