TIE Interceptors of DOOM

Title: TIE Interceptors of DOOM
Author: Nathaniel "The Rancor" Boggs
Date: Feb 4, 2001 Rating: 4.0





Set Your Course For Alderaan

Mobilization Points

Secret Plans

There Is No Try & Oppressive Enforcement

Prepared Defenses


Death Star

Death Star Docking Bay 327



1x Corulag

1x Endor

1x Kashyyyk

1x Kiffex

1x Wakeelmui


8x Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser

16x TIE Interceptor


7x All Power To Weapons

2x Gravity Shadow

3x Short-range Fighters

3x Twi’lek Advisor


2x Dreaded Imperial Starfleet

2x Sienar Fleet Systems

Admiral’s Orders

1x Battle Deployment

1x Fighter Cover


2x SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons

Strategy: ‘

In response to reviews I have decided to add in

Commander Merrejk x2

Emperor Palpatine x2


Bossk in Hound’s Tooth

The Emperor’s Sword

The Emperor’s Shield


Lateral Damage


And take out

Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser x3

TIE Interceptor x4

SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons

All Power To Weapons


Twi’lek Advisor

I think that this should improve the deck and please rate according to the new list.

Thanks for the help.

This is your basic TIE interceptor deck with a few twists.

Pull Wakeelmui before you activate with Mob. Points. Every turn you can search your deck with the Obj. if you know how many twi leks, systems, and other cards are in your deck you can know when to draw which is very nice.

All power and short-range fighters let you pull out TIEs.

TIE int. can be up to power 7, 10 with Fighter Cover and a laser cannon. 3 from TIE 1 from x-wing, 1 from dreadnaught, 2 from all power.

Your retrieval with Sienar Fleet systems and Short range fighters is a big plus. It can win you many games.

Gravity Shadow is pure tech. Go read it if you dont know what it does. Yes I know its from the jedi pack. If you have a lot of TIEs at a system and they try to run Gravity Shadow and they are stuck for a big beatdown next turn. Or you can track and use it to kill ships.

Simple but Deadly.

Constructive Reviews Appreciated.

Thanks for looking and make sure your deck can beat it.