Court of the Vile Skum

Title: Court of the Vile Skum
Author: Jeremy "BoShek007" Arak
Date: Feb 5, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting Stuff (8)

Court of the Vile Gangster

JP Audience Chamber

JP Dungeon

Great Pit of Carkoon

Prepared Defenses

TiNT/Oppresive Enforcement

Mobilization Points

Battle Order (against almost anything)


Secret Plans (against wys)


Decree (against EBO)

Characters (17)

4-Lom w/ Rifle x2

Djas Puhr

Jabba the Hutt x2

Dr. Evazan and Ponda Baba

Mara Jade, TEH


Brangus Glee

Dengar w/ Carbine

Jodo Kast

Fett w/ Blaster

Bane Malar

Iggy w/ gun

Boelo x2


Starships (7)

BiHT x2

ZiMH x2

Iggy in Iggy 2000

Fett in Slave 1


Locations (4)

Tatooine JP


Tatooine DB 94


Effects (11)

First Strike

Secret Plans/Battle Order

I had No Choice (Anti-Dash)

Blast Door Controls

Skum x2

Search and Destroy


Something Special Plannned..

Imperial Decree

There’ll be Hell to Pay

Interrupts (12)

Imperial Barrier x2

None Shall Pass x2

Jabba’s Through with You

Projective Telepathy x2

Twi’lek Advisor x2

Point Man

Look Sir, Droids (Anti-gift)

Res Luk Ra’auf

Weapons (1)

Mara’s Saber

Strategy: ‘

This is a fairly standard non-flip court deck. Its pretty easy to play and loads of fun. I’m trying to make this from a “fun” deck into a tourney worthy deck, so please give suggestions when you review.

Note I don’t have Power of the Hutt, otherwise it would probably go in

Some card choices

Projective Telepathy-Anti OTE, also lets you battle, retrieve w/ scum, and cancel the battle. Also useful against MWYHL/AFA


Blast Door Controls- No Barriers or Narrow Escapes

U-3PO- block a drain, I don’t understand why more people dont use him.

Arica and Mara- You never know which one you will need

2 4-Lom w/ guns- Useful against Ben or JK Luke, also can go on ZiMH to add a destiny

Fett (and Iggy) on Ground and Space?- I can use whichever one I need at the time, and only one of each, so I probably won’t have persona issues

Against decktypes

EBO Get decree active ASAP. Just try to hold one system and use the extra ships for retreival attacks. S&D and court should finish them off.

HB I know, I need Hutt Influence, but I don’t have any JPSD, so I just have to rely on my ships to probe, and S&D and court them to death. Should be relatively easy

WYS Start Secret Plans, take the easy drain at cantina while setting up Skum. Go after his ships with yours (try to I have No Choice Dash), and battle order should be easy, as his characters are weak.

Anything else play well, and you should have a shot at winning.