Due to your Promotion

Title: Due to your Promotion
Author: Charles "Teacher" Hickey
Date: Nov 22, 1999 Rating: 3.5



‘Hoth Echo Command Center Twilek Advisor IAO

Hoth echo docking bay 3rd Marker North Ridge Ice plains Mountains Wampa Cave Hoth x2 CC docking bay Tatooine DB spaceport DB

Darth Vader x2 EPP Vader GMT Lt. Arnet LT. Cabbal LT. Watts Major Marquand Ozzel DS-61-2 DS-3 DS-4 Igar Evax General Veers Sgt. Major Bursk Sgt. Barich Sgt. Irol Corporal Drelosyn

Blizzard Walker x2 Blizard 1 Tempest 1 Dune Walker Blizzard 2 Dreadnaught x2 Vaders Shuttle Executor Bossk in Bus

Alter Imperial barrier Master move Twilek Advisor x2 I’d just as soon kiss a wookie Walker Garrison

Imperial Decree Reactor Terminal First Strike Responsibilty of Command x2 Battle Order Rebel Base Occupation x2 Ice Storm ‘

Strategy: ‘

Okay, sure activation early sucks. I got in some extra DB’s to help counter that. After a few turns, the activation get’s rolling, and I can starrt churning out the walkers and Ships. I can set up on hoth, send out an ice storm, do some base occupation, establish my garrison, all the while decreeing that your deck is weak and whimpy.

(the above text was riddled with a play on words, don’t take to seriously.)

Responsibility on ben turn 1, woohoo no battle or drain for you Or a Luke in space at kessel. Nope, don’t think so

Have a great day guys

I’d just like to add, some Canadians Suck

How did they come up with canadas spelling?


No offense to all the cool northerners.’