New Age ISB

Title: New Age ISB
Author: Mason "Palleon" Johnson
Date: Feb 6, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Objectives (1)

ISB/Empire’s Sinister Agents (st)

Locations (12)

Coruscant (st)


Tat Moisture Farm

Tat Tusken Canyon

Tat Jundland Wastes

Tat Jabba’s Palace

Tat Docking Bay

Tat Desert

Tat Mos Eisley

Tat Desert Heart

Tat Kyrant Dragon Pass

Tat Bluffs

Starships (4)


Boba in Slave I

Bossk in Hound’s Tooth



Tempest 1

Tempest Scout 2

Tempest Scout 3

Tempest Scout 5

Blizzard 1

Blizzard 2

Dune Walker x2

Charachters (19)

Outer Rim Scouts x9

Admiral Ozzel

Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith x2

Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand x2

Officer Evax


Chall Bekan



Red Cards (17)

Do or Do Not & Oppressive Enfocement(st)

Search and Destroy

Prepared Defenses (st)

Secret Plans (st)


Imperial Barrier

Trample x2

Sandwhirl x2

Projected Telepathy x2

Abyissn Ornament x2

Imperial Arrest Order (st)

Mobilization Points (st)

Twil’ek Advisor

Den of Thiefs ‘

Strategy: ‘

Mains Decks Set up deserts, and walker w/ agent, walker w/ agent, walker w/ agent. Unless you are really afraid of an early game beatdown, save the sandwhirls until they deploy their mains, and watch them go poof Dont forget, the tempest walkers can reaxct, so these things run all over the place. If they go to cloud city, it becomes a drain race b/c your guys cant compete in battle, just set up at the db and drain drain drain. Mains - ex win, CC mains, good game, you should out drain. And drop a docking bay at Kessel to make the drain only 2. And race drain him, he wont be doing much damage to you, itll depend on your speed against his speed.

MWYHL Can absoultey kill this deck, usually never does. But most dagobah decks ive seen dont test to 6, You should set up very quickly against dagobah. Sandwhirls ready to keep the Epps gone forever. Drain Like mad and Retrieve.

Hidden Base Set up fast, drop the docking bays and his big drain systems and set up deserts and big drain sites. Drain as fast as you can, and probe. The 4 ships I play have immunity so unless they get a 5, youll be fine. Probe, ghkk, continue your drains, ez win.

Profit Same as mains, the sandwhirls will keep them inside where you can bargaining table the drains and really only loose to profit, dump your agents and retrieve them with the flipped obj. Usually a rase, but ISB will come out on top…

Sounded like fun so I tried it

Thanks for Reading and Reviewing. ‘