Multi Destiny Profit Ver 2

Title: Multi Destiny Profit Ver 2
Author: Sherwin "darthsherwin" Doroudi
Date: Feb 7, 2001 Rating: 4.0





Tatooine Jabba’s Palace

Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber

Han Solo




Tatooine Docking Bay 94

Cloud City Lower Corridor

Cloud City Landing Platform 327 (DB)


Han w/ Heavy Blaster Pistol

Master Luke

Luke Skywalker

Princess Liea

Liea Organa

Chewie w/ Blaster Rifle


Tamtel Skreej

Lando Calarissian

C-3PO (premiere)

See-Threepio (EJP)

Commander Wedge Antilles



Ben Kenobi

Obi Wan w/ LS




X-wing x6

Correlian Corvette x2

Tantive IV

Home One


Jedi Presence x2

I Know

Life Debt



Don’t Get @#$%y

Gift Of The Mentor

Narbun Lieds

I’ve Got A Bad Feeling About This

Someone Who Loves You

All Wings Report In


A Gift


Mantellian Savirp

Traffic Control

Tatooine Celebration

Lightsaber Proficency


Luke’s LS

Anikan’s LS

Obi Wan’s LS


Obi Wan’s Journal


Combined Fleet Action

Strategy: ‘

Please note that I am a beginner and that I am mainly posting my deck to get advice on it. I usually try to free han and start draining. I save him ASAP so I can start draining at Tatooine and causeing my opponent to lose force every turn. Sabers and proficiency helps. For battling I use interrupts to add destiny draws (even though there are a lot of ways to avoide multiple destiny draws). In space I use x-wings to drain at Kessel unless the opponent has a rather large space force. I also hold down Tatooine so I can retrieve with Tatooine Celebration. My corvettes are for helping my x-wings and because they have high forfiet (which is useful on table and with Savirp if it does not get cancelled). The corvettes also help me use Combined Fleet Action which helps me out against certain decks. I also retrieve force with All Wings Report In. Why Branic? Because he penalizes my opponent for having a large hand (probably high power/forfiet) He also has a decent destiny number. A Gift is a really helpful cards against decks with lots of aliens. Why Orrimarko? He works good against Imperials and has good power/ability. Why Wedge? Because I needed a pilot of some kind just in case. I will replace him with Corran Horn if I get him. Why Cloud City Locations?

I need them if someting goes wrong and I never free Han. Then I can atleast drain somewhere. Also I need them so I can deploy my Liea here. Why Leebo? He is a Power 2 Armor 4 droid. I can use him with A gift.

I also will add the following cards when I get them

Liea w/ Blaster Rifle

Corran Horn

Chewbacca Protecter

Rug Hug

Maybe Rebel Fleet

Thank you for your time. ‘