Author: Matt "BobaFett fan" Prosser
Date: Feb 8, 2001 Rating: 1.5



’ Starting (7)


Secret Plans

Cloud City Upper Walkway

Prepared Defenses

Crush The Rebellion

Mobilization Points

Imperial Arrest Order

 Locations (8)

Executor Docking Bay


Bespin Cloud City

Cloud City Dining Room

Cloud City East Platform (Docking Bay)

Cloud City Security Tower

Cloud City West Gallery

Cloud City Downtown Plaza

 Characters (17)

Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand

Darth Vader With Lightsaber

Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith

Emperor Palpatine

Sim Aloo

Janus Greejatus

Commander Igar

Lieutenant Endicott

Sergeant Merril

Captain Bewil

Admiral Piett

Dr. Evazan

Mighty Jabba

Lando Calrissian

Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle

4-LOM With Concussion Rifle

IG-88 With Riot Gun

 Starships/Vehicles (8)

Tempest 1

Blizzard 2


Bossk In Hound’s Tooth

Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Dengar In Punishing One

Obsidian 7

Obsidian 8

 Effects (6)

Dark Deal

Cloud City Occupation

Wrong Turn

Ability, Ability, Ability

Search And Destroy

Lateral Damage

 Interrupts (11)

Weapon Levitation

Weapon Of An Ungrateful Son

I Have You Now


The Circle Is Now Complete

A Real Hero

Dark Maneuvers x2

Hutt Smooch

Imperial Barrier x2

 Admiral’s Orders (2)

Battle Deployment x2

 Weapons (1)

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Strategy: ‘

 Gand, please post your BHBM decks once again, because I cannot find them. Thanks to everyone who reviewed my articles and my decks posted on the site. Read on for a turn-by-turn strategy.

 Ok, here’s the strategy. First turn, before activation, pull Executor from the Reserve. Activate, then deploy from reserve Executor Docking Bay or East Platform. Also, search for Cloud City and draw everything else until you have at least 3 guys, 1 starfighter/BiHT, CC, and no less. Next turn pull the Deal from reserve and pull it off ASAP. Once set up, move your guys together and turn by turn, slowly build up forces and drain. Now, I’ll explain a few of the cards and why they’re in here.

 Weapon Of An Ungrateful Son This card allows you to place some annoying LS lightsabers in the used pile, in order to a) cut his drains by 1; b) soften him up before a beatdown; c) put MJ’s saber back for +1 differential at end of game.

 Executor Docking Bay This card, along with one of my cheap guys, can allow me good early activation at the beginning of the game. Mob. Points does this, and a good imp to go there would be Endicott.

 CC Security Tower and Dining Room These sites are a steady 2 drain that cannot be canceled unless opponnent comes down with a spy or uses HoTJ (which I can easily get around). Also, I can deploy the Deal by using these sites.

 Wrong Turn and Ability x3 These 2 cards together, along with a starship controlling Bespin, forces the opponnent to come down with some guys, which will cost +2 each, or else pay the price of 2 force loss a turn.

 Dark Maneuvers rather than the Combo version Don’t have the combo card yet ;( Same goes for Monnok and all EU cards.

 Lando Calrissian Just for denial, besides he’s got good stats and all. Just plop him on a ship if you’re having qualms about a LS Lando coming down for free and killing some poor guy.

 tCiNC This is truly a great card. Allow me to explain. Many people nowadays will typically use EPP Obi right? Ok, people still use old Obi, but nobody uses Ben Kenobi except Profit players (Profit isn’t dead, but people may not like it any more). So, because of his usefulness and free saber for quick, efficient beatdowns, EPP Obi is quite popular. Using tCiNC targeting this Obi and Vader with Saber is an auto OOP for Ben. I love this card

 Endicott Free deploy to one of the DBs and good stats. Really helps to set up the Deal.

 Now, I’ll list some potential matchups.

 vs. Profit I’ve played this one a LOT, and it is a little bit difficult. Generally, you don’t want to deploy your 2 aliens (this is sometimes good, but a good Profit player should always have what it takes to clean you out). Deploy to your own sites, and only go kill Han if he’s sitting around with little support. Set up the Deal, play smart, and drain away.

 vs. Watch Your Step Never played it, but all I can say is that Secret Plans should come in handy. If you want, try to control Kessel, but with the starships in this deck, you shouldn’t attempt much. 

 vs. Ewoks Fairly difficult, but you should be able to outdrain them. Controlling air should be EZ.

 vs. RTP Never played it, so can’t say much.

 vs. TiGiH Put an imp and a walker at the Landing Platform and try to kill Luke. I’ve had some very easy games against this deck.

 vs. Hidden Base Very difficult. I only pulled off a few wins against HB, and all were very close games. Play very carefully and don’t deploy CC until you’re ready to play the 1-turn Deal. Fortify your air strength as much as possible, and keep ground somewhat defended. Hutt Smooch helps.

 vs. EBO Don’t be stupid and march into the shield. This is absolutely stupid and you’re asking for a buttcrack cleaning. Some people believe EBO doesn’t play any mains. What’s up with that? I play EBO, and having a couple guys *just in case* is always good. Whether it be to get around S&D, to punish opponnents who spread out too thinly, whatever. Just stick to Bespin and drain away. 

 vs. DBO Keep ground fortified and make use of the flip side of the objective.

 vs. QMC Play carefully all around and try to convert and control Bespin and later on, Cloud City. Do massive beatdowns on ground and forget the Deal. 

 vs. AitC Set up Deal and drain away.

 vs. TRM Tough, but Ability x3 and Wrong Turn help a LOT.

 vs. RST You can usually drain more than he can, so sit at home on Bespin and do so.

 Keep checking from time to time for my articles about objs and rate them accordingly. Also, for those of you that think QMC and DBO are playable, I don’t disagree with you, but I’ve yet to see a very good one posted either here or anywhere else for that matter. If anyone has an excellent QMC or DBO deck, then please post it I personnally think these objectives suck and could never beat a good, balanced deck played right. If you want to convince me otherwise, show me a deck  '