The True Nature of the Force

Title: The True Nature of the Force
Author: Mason "Palleon" Johnson
Date: Feb 8, 2001 Rating: 4.0




Rebel Strike Team/Garrison Destroyed



Endor Rebel Landing Site

Tatooine Docking Bay

Dagobah Yodas Hut

Endor Chief Chirpas Hut

Home One War Room

Hoth Echo Command Center

Rendezvous Point

Yavin 4 Massassi Headquarters

Yavin 4 Massassi War Room


Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x3

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan with Lighsaber

Leia With Blaster Rifle x2

Captain Han x2

Chewbacca, The Protector

Lando With Vibro-Ax

General Calrissian

Dash Rendar

Mirax Terrik

Admiral Ackbar

First Officer Thaneespi

Major Haashn

Wedge Antillies, Red Squadron Leader

Lieutenant Blount


Millenium Falcon x2

Home One

Red Squadron 1




Anakin’s Lightsaber

Lukes Lightsaber


Order to Engage

Bacta Tank

Battle Plan

Do, Or Do Not & Wise Advice

Honor of the Jedi


Menace Fades

Squadron Assignments

Strike Planning


Armed And Dangerous

Control & Tunnel Vision x2

Heading For The Medical Frigate

I Know

Punch It

Rebel Barrier

The Signal

Weapon Levitation

Fallen Portal x2


Ill Take The Leader x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

The Basic Concept

This deck is made to deceive your opponent and make them think your are playing endor scouts. They come down to the Rebel Landing Site and you beatthem down. If this does not work then just play the game out like a mains deck. Use your Twixs and Toche Station to totally overpower your opponent. Choke the opponents force and if they come to the ground beat them down. If they go for space play smart and plan when to attack at their weakest point with all of your power.

I love mains I just cant build enough of these decks this is just another idea I had do I decided to try it.

The Start You start RST/GD, Rebel Landing Site, and Endor as your staring objective and locations. Use Heading For the medical frigate and start with Strike Planning, Squadron Assignments, and Battle Plan (Start D,ODN/WA vs. BHBM. Start by pulling General Calrissian with Strike Planning to make the illusion that your are seeting up on endor. When your first turn is over draw card or two and pretend you dont have anything good in your hand. Then when opponent deploys on your next turn if you have enough force lay a beatdown on his guys. otherwise start to set up in space and save your force for next turn. If he dosent come down then go to him and beathim down wherever he deploys. You will have a major force advantage so just overpower him and use Battle Plan to slow his drains down and leave hime with even less force. This deck is great if played right.

Locations A whole bunch of Twixs for major activation and if you drop Luke, JK at tovhe you will be acticating 7 at just that one site. You shold have no problem choking your opponents force. Besides if opponent dosent have any force he cant play the cards he need and you can win easy.

Characters Wonderful selection of characters I was able to fit quite a bit into this mains deck. Use your mains for beatdowns except use Captain Han for space and use the Calamari, Dash, and Edge to battle in space. You shold have no problem on the ground or in space with these powerful combos.

Ships These ships matched with their pilot are beasts. Beat your opponent down at their weakest point with the Super Falcon and some backup. That alone could end the game. Watch out for ties, but great power here.

Weapons Weeooww BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT, saber for luke or leia.

Interrupts Use punch it to draw extra destinies in space. Use your Weapon Levatations to steal the opponents weapons. Use your Interrupts to thier greatest advatage and they will serve you well.

Effects If mains are the body of this deck then Effects are the soul. These help choke the opponets force. Kill SAC cancel opponets force drain bonuses and save your mains from death. without these this deck would sucK.

Record This deck has gone 2-0 in playtesting against my friends. I hope to take it to a local tourney and win myself some more cards.


BHBM If vader comes to endor kill him if he goes anywhere else kill him. Use your weapon levs and fallen portal to beatthem down, but give them luke after he is used early. Try to drain at endor, toche, and Landing Site. Beat them down with the falcon if they come to space. You have good protection against SAC so dont worry. Play your mains right and you can pull this difficult matchup off.

Hunt Down Again kill vader and get a little draing in. Use your mains for direct damge suicide mission and make oponet lose tons of force. Keep luke and Obi away from mara and vader. If you must duel track and get Luke his saber. If they go to space battle them. Choke their force so they cant deploy anything. Difficult matchup, but with a little skillful play it can be done.

Court Beathem dowwn all over and invade JP cancel S & V and drain away your opponents aliens and BHs wont stand a chance. Choke their foce and run them over. This game is fairly simple if you act quickly.

MKOS Just the same, dont let them flip and destroy them.

Endor Ops Ifiltrate the bunker and beatdown anyone who is there. Battle them at their weakest point in space and use order to engage. Coke their force so they cant deploy the big ships. If you kill them quick this matchup is fairly simple.

Ties These are very difficult use order to engage and Punch it. Stack pilots on your capitals and use Hasshn to cancel Lat. Damage. If they come to the ground beathem down. battle smart in space and maybe drain a little on the ground. Use battle plan to kill their drains and activation. Also depennds on teh skill of your opponents. It can be done.

I love this deck and I hope you do too.

Thanks for Reading and reviewing ‘