I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing

Title: I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing
Author: Mason "Palleon" Johnson
Date: Feb 8, 2001 Rating: 4.0



’ Objective(1)

Set Your Couse For Alderaan/The Ultimate Scum in the Universe


Jabba the Hutt

Mighty Jabba

Boba Fett with Blaster Rifle x2

IG-88 with Riot Gun

4-LOM with Concussion Rifle x2

Dengar with Blaster Carbine

Mara Jade, The Emperors Hand x2

Snoova x2

Prince Xizor


Dr. Evazan & Ponda Baba x2

Jodo Kast

Ephant Mon


Bib Fortuna

Bane Malar


Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Dengar in Punishing One

Bossk in Hounds Tooth


IG-88 in IG-2000


Scum & Villiany x2

Power of the Hutt


Mobilization Points

First Strike

Hutt Influence

No Bargain

Search and Destroy

Disarmed x2


Imperial Barrier x3

None Shall Pass x2

Ghhhk & TRWEU

Twilek Advisor

Prepared Defenses

Sniper & Dark Strike

Contol & Set For Stun


Jabbas Palace Audience Chamber

Jabbas Palace Lower Passages

Jabbas Palace Entrance Cavern

Tatooine Jabbas Palace x3

Death Star

Death Star Docking Bay

Death Star War Room



Mara Jades Lightsaber

Snoova’s Toothbrush (vibro-ax) ‘

Strategy: ‘

The Set Up Start SYCFA, Death Star, Death Star Docking Bay, and Alderaan. Then use prepared defense to put down your three effects. These are usually No Bargain, Power of the Hutt, and Mobilization Points, but they can vary depending on your what your opponet is playing. If you are expecting SAC or playing a BHBM start TINT & OE to totally kill their SAC. This deck occupie three pattle grounds easy so you dont have to worry about Honor of the Jedi. If you think your opponet is playing a deck that revolves around retrieval you may want to start Secret Plans to stop them in their tracks. This is a solid start it gives you good activation and good cards to work with.

The Exposition Pull Carida with Mob Points and Death Star War Room with SYCFA to add a bunch to your activation. If you have Tatooine Jabbas Palace deploy it and pull out the Audience Chamber and then pull your Alien with its game text. If you dont have it when you search your reseve deck for Carida check if how many copies are in your reserve deck and youll know if ones in your Force Pile, but before drawing for it pull Ephant Mon, Boelo, Bib, or Hutt Influence with Power of the Hutt. Your early game activation is great you will have no worries with any so called “force choke” decks. You could be activating numbers in excess of 15 on your second turn. Use none shall pass and Barrier to keep them out of the Palace while you set up. Get Sum and Villiany Going and Watch for Beatdowns.

The Climax Once your esablished dont let them cancel Scum and Villiainy. Use First Strike and S & V to retrieve force while striking your opponet where possible. Use Search and Desroy and Drains to slow your opponent way down. You can also use the Hunters ships to battle in space or just take a chunk out of the opponets reseve deck by draining at Carida.Use Mara and a crew of Hunter to crush your opponet of the table. Use your tricks and your opponent wont have much left to work with.

The Resoulution Drain, Retrieve, and Battle your opponent to death. If you excuted your plan right you should be fine and your opponets life force should be completely depleted.

How the Tools Work?

Control & Set For StunYou can cancel oppponets SAC or a peky drain of 5. You can stun your opponets characers back to their hand. Great Card I never leave home without it.

Barrier and None Shall Pass these retrict the opponets ability to deploy and beat you down on your own turf. Also they are recyclable destiny 4 and 5s.

Entrance Cavern A ggod place to hide from beatdowns. Solid Jabbbs Palace site. Bib deploys free and Gives you a bit more activation.

Twilek Advisor Grab S & V easy or if you alrady have it grab something else you need.

Great Cards

Now the Deck Matchups

Mains This deck is a tough match. Use Barrier, No Bargain, and None Shall Pass to make their mains useless at the palace. If they cant break into the Palace make sure to build up your forces before they decide to move in. Dont let them Cancel Scum and Villiany and battle them at their weakest poinst. Use search and destroys direct damagae and Gailids drains to deplete your opponents force. Use your ships to kill them in Space. Guri and Xizor are a machine destiny adders wont work what can mains do they cant drain. If mains can win battles they cant win. Fun game.

RST This deck is very diffuclt if you can battle them early and take over their sites before they get close air support established. If an oppurtunity knock kill them at endor. If you and manage good retrival, drains, and battles you can win.

MWYHL Get your drains poending them early before Test 1 is completed. Use search and Destroy and Battle them if they use charcters away from Dagobah. If you know you are going to get killed fill up the Hounds Tooth and land on the planet with a bet down crew and kill yoda and Luke. Watch for On the Edge. A tough game, but it can be done if you play smart.

EBO Get your drains established quick and Battle him in space and Invade Echo Base. Can cancel Echo Ops and his drains are nothing. Retrieve and use direct damage. If he come to you with amins kill him.

PROFIT Convert their starting locations and take the palace for yourself. Dont let them into the palace to get han. Battle like a champ and drain a ton and retieve. Mara and Crew are unstopable. Easy game, btu dont get careless.

TIGIH Kill luke and drain away battle themin their weakest locations and retrieve. Dont let them take over the palace. Use Use mara, crew, and tricks to kill your opponent quick. Dont worry these aent very popular anyway.

This is really fun to play and it wins.

Thanks for Reading and Reviewing.

Have faith in this Deck. ‘