Yavin IVCheese

Title: Yavin IVCheese
Author: Scott "CRingwell" Lingrell
Date: Nov 22, 1999 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations(5) Yavin IVThrone Room Farm Swamp Dagobah Tatooine

Characters(18) EPP Obi x2 EPP Luke x2 EPP Leia x2 Artoo x2 R2-D2 x2 8d8 x4 R2-M5 x2 Wedge Antilles Toryn Farr

Starships(8) Spiral Tantive IV Redemption Gold Leader In Gold 1 Red Leader In Red 1 Red Squadron X-wing x2 Gold Squadron Y-wing

Weapons(2) X-wing Laser Cannon x2

Interrupts(12) Careful Planning Effective Repairs The Signal x3 Tunnel Vision x2 Imperial Barrier Power Pivot x2 Transmission Terminated Droid Shutdown

Effects(15) Battle Plan Bacta Tank Mechanical Failure Never Tell Me The Odds x5 Undercover Do, Or Do Not Wise Advice What’re You Trying To Push On Us x2 The Planet That Its Furthest From Wars Not Make One Great’

Strategy: ‘

This Deck is simple to learn but hard to adjust to other decks unless you play it enough to learn it. The main focus is to get droids and ships out with inserts. Use the grabbers to grap Torture first then any other pain card second (SAC, Retrieval, etc). If they start Resistance (not very often because they will always think revolver) play the ships in space as soon as you can or play some driods with Luke or Obi hanging out. Be careful if you leave Luke or Obi alone though, only do it against certain decktypes so a beatdown does not occur. Use the Bacta Tank to recycle the mains and use them mostly for hit and run missions. One important thing to remember is to either use R2 at a scomplink or as the undercover spy. Make sure you get Droid Shutdown as soon as possible if you plan on playing Undercover. If you lose it just effective repairs for it. Good Luck. Scott Lingrell’