Gods of Death reborn

Title: Gods of Death reborn
Author: Tom "Gand" Culpepper
Date: Feb 12, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (8)

Bring Him Before Me/

Take Your Father’s Place

Your Destiny

Insigniffigant Rebellion

DSII Throne Room

Prepered Defenses

Mobilization Points

Imperial Arrest Order

Something Special Planned for Them

Locations (5)

DSII Docking Bay

Endor Landing Platform

Endor Forest Clearing


Cloud City East Platform

Characters (17)

Emperor Palpatine x2

Lord Vader x2

Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith x2

Commander Igar

General Veers

Admiral Piett

Mara Jade

Boba Fett w/Blaster

Janus Greejatus

Sim Aloo

4-LOM w/gun

Prince Xizor

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Mighty Jabba

Vehicles (4)

Tempest 1

Blizzard 2

Tempest Scout 6

Blizzard Scout 1



Executor (old school)

Bossk in Hounds Tooth

Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Weapons (2)

Vader’s Saber

Mara Jade’s Saber

Effects (5)

Reactor Terminal

Visage Of The Emperor

I Am Your Father

Emperor’s Power

Search And Destroy

Mournful Roar

No Escape

Interupts (12)

Imperial Command x2

Rise My Friend

Masterfull Move x2

Holonet Transmition



Hunting Party x2

Always Thinking With Your Stomach

Human Shield

Admiral’s Order(1)

We’re in Attack Postiion Now ‘

Strategy: ‘

in response to those who say I Am Your Father does not work… all 4 TDs I have checked it with say it DOES. Thanks for playing.

A revision of an old deck of mine, recently updated and slightly remodled. I took out the often bashed(but never ”blown away”) Holotable and provided a bit more stability on the ground and air. Although the average destiny is lower this deck still works well. The idea is still to either complete your objective or to drain and direct damage the opponent to death. I want to explain a couple decisions

Masterful Move Sets up a great tracking combo, use a force, use MM, pull Visage Janus it under the used force. Track a 6 and 7 for battle destiny with Emperor’s Power. Also does the next best thing, uses a 6.

Holonet Transmition Able to pull with MM, thereby exchanging a 6 for a 2 destiny. Able to cancel OOC/TT that everyone loves to play since the TT is inseperable from OOC and can be cancled by a 2 desitny used interupt.

Hunting Party 7 destiny used interupt. I intend to fail misserably each time I play this card, unless I have Human Shield in hand.

Human Shield Used 5 (at least the text I care about) Why, because I am a DIRTY BAST@RD… Vader got Luke? Gonna try and get him back by killing Vader? ”A shining example of Imperial honor and bravery.” Cute, now lose force.

I Am Your Father Yes, an ablity 6 Luke just says ”I know that, dad…” and ignores me, but an EPP Luke… different story. Combined with We’re In Attack Position Now, Mournful Roar and Search And Destroy the combo deals a sizeable amount of direct damage each turn.

The deck plays pretty much the same against all decktypes and is fun to play since there is so much high power and high destiny. Remember to use the destiny limiting power of the Imperial Command after you have your admirals on the table.


Gand ‘