Best Ewok Deck Ever (Immune To Monnok)

Title: Best Ewok Deck Ever (Immune To Monnok)
Author: Scott "Froman5000" Matthews
Date: Feb 13, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Sites (6)

Chief Chirpa’s Hut (Starting)

Endor Great Forest

Endor Dense Forest

Endor Hidden Forest Trail



Characters (38)

Ewok Spearman X13

Ewok Sentry X9

Ithorian X4

Chief Chirpa









General Solo

Chewbacca of Kashyyyk

Generla Crix Madine

Interrupts (5)

Sound The Attack

Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes

The Signal X3 (Starting

Effects (6)

Yarna d’al’ Gargan (Starting)

Bargaining Table



Eyes in the Dark

Order To Engage

Weapons (5)

Ewok Spear X4

Anakin’s Lightsaber

Strategy: ‘

This is how it works

-Few Changes -

Take out Romba, Forest, jungle. put in a back door, another Graak and another Kazak. They are so cool i had to put more in.

Deploy Chief Chirpa’s hut as the starting site. Use The signal as a starting interrupt to get out Yarna d’al’ Gargan to make all of my ewoks immune to monnok for the rest of the game. The rest depends on the cards i get in my hand.

The basic idea, is to build up a reasnable force at the hut, deploy an ithorian or two, or use some of the special ewoks, and start force draining at the hut. if i get Wuta,(Chewbacca of Kashyyyk to get wuta out) i can start getting sites from my reserve deck.

I have two forms of force retrieval in the deck right now. Reflection, and Nar Shaddaa Wind chimes, Reflection is a bit expensive, so i only use it occasionally or if i’m getting force from opponent.

I have 3 signals in the deck to get out these cards in addition to Yarna d’al’ Gargan

Bargaining table - to cancle force drains

Scramle to get an advantage over space-oriented decks

Order to engage - to have just in case someone desides to deploy an undercover spy or land a starship to cancel my force drains.

Eyes in the dark - you will see the usefulness for this further down

Reflection - just in case i need some more force retrieved.

In case you aren’t aware the special abilities of the Ewoks, here they are

-In general all ewoks are power +1 for each light side icon present

-Chief Chirpa allows me to deploy non-unique ewoks from deck for free

-Wicket allows me to draw a destiny and exclude a person with ability lower than that to be excluded from a battle

-Romba allows me to activate 1 extra force wherever i have an Ewok

-Wuta lets me get out get out endor sites from my reserve deck

-Teebo adds 1 to the forfeit of all ewoks at any endor site

these two help a lot and get opponents pissed

-Kazak adds 1 to the force drain wherever i have an ewok

-Graak makes force that opponent is losing from force drains at same and adjacent sites come from top of reserve deck(if used with Eyes in the dark opponent is losing force from top of reserve deck, and doesn’t know what he/she is losing.)

It is pretty obvious that the ithorians are in there to add 1 to the power of all the ewoks at the same site, and to add 1 to my force drains at those sites, plus, the icons added by the ithourians aren’t considered force drain modifiers and cannot be canceled except by killing the ithorian itself.

Ewok spears are great. these are the worst possible conditions i can think of when using a spear i have an ewok spearman with a spear at a site generating 1 light side icon, and i am battling an opponent, i targe the most powerful character there, lets say Darth Vader to make it interesting. i target Vader for free, both people draw a destiny, i have about 30 3’s in my deck, so that is what i would probably get. i add three, my total is 6, my opponent’s destinyhas to be a 6 or higher, or Vader is power 0 for that battle.

-Sorry about the bragging title, i meant that it was -MY- best Ewok deck ever- ‘