My Kind Of YOps v 2 0

Title: My Kind Of YOps v 2 0
Author: Eric "YOYOY" Bailey
Date: Feb 13, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (7)

Local Uprising/Liberation


Spaceport Docking Bay

Heading for The Medical Frigate


Staging Areas

Menace Fades

Locations (5)

Home One Docking Bay

Asteroid Field x3

Big One

Characters (11)

Corporal Marmor

Ralltiir Operative

Elyhek Rue

Daughter Of Skywalker

Chewbacca, Protector

Lando With Vibro-Ax

Luke With Lightsaber

Obi-Wan With Lightsaber

Jeroen Webb

Ishi Tib

Figrin D’an

Starships (13)




Red 7

Y-Wing x9

Interrupts (15)

The Signal x3

Houjix x2

Houjix & Out Of Nowhere

Hyper Escape

It’s A Trap

Alternatives To Fighting

Fallen Portal

It’s A Hit

Organized Attack

All Wings Report In

Tunnel Vision

Jedi Levitation

Effects (7)

Koensayr Manufacturing

Docking And Repair Facilities

Rebel Fleet

Asteroid Sanctuary

Traffic Control


Projection Of A Skywalker

Device (1)

Landing Claw

Admiral’s Order (1)

No Questions Asked ‘

Strategy: ‘


v. 2.0 update

 First of all, I’d like to say that I’m extremely sorry for posting the previous deck 4 times. I did not in any way mean to, forgive me. I’m honestly really truly extremely infinitely sorry.

Now to address some comments aimed at the previous version of the deck.

  1. Why do I have only one Marmor, Elyhek Rue, or Ralltiir Op? It seems kind of dumb to rely on getting these characters out ASAP if you only have one copy of each. Actually, I don’t completely rely on them. I’ve won games with only maybe one of these key guys on table. They help a lot, yeah, but I don’t completely rely on them. As for getting them out, it’s not like I need them out on the first turn. I’ll admit, this deck takes a few turns to get set up. But when it does, it rocks. And besides, I can get these guys out pretty quickly. You’d be surprised how well this deck cycles through, not to mention cards that help get them like Tunnel Vision and Jedi Levitation.

  2. Why don’t I use Rebel Reinforcements? Well, I used to. The very first version of this deck (before I used it at any tourneys) used 4 Rebel Reinforcements (it also used I’ll Take The Leader, H’nemthes, Bargaining Table, and Nar Shaadaa Wind Chimes). But I found that either the opponent would have less cards with ability on table than me, so I couldn’t use it… or I’d use it, only to draw a low destiny. And really, I don’t need Rebel Reinforcements. This deck already has more than its fair share of retrieving capabilities. And what good is Rebel Reinforcements if it only works half the time, and when it does work, you draw something like a 1?

As for the actual deck, I added Asteroid Sanctuary (can be deadly), Docking And Repair Facilities (very awesome card), Houjix & Out Of Nowhere (great combo card), Alternatives To Fighting (cancel a battle at a system or sector, very cool), etc. I took out some stuff like s’Too Vees (realized that I was only using him for battling, but the deck isn’t about battling), Tawss Khaa, and others. Now for the strategy

 Stop laughing, and please read the strategy before you rate the deck. Even if it isn’t the best deck, it’s a lot better than you think, and it’s also extremely fun, which is important to me.

 Okay, your first turn, activate. During your deploy phase, use Insurrection to check your Reserve for a docking bay. See what’s in there, therefore knowing what’s in your Force pile. Deploy Home One Docking Bay. Depending on what’s in your Force pile and your hand, you can either deploy a scrub to the H1DB, or draw up, especially if Corporal Marmor is in there. But you wanna get a scrub (Figrin and Ishi Tib are the best) to the H1DB ASAP. Then start trying to get Corporal Marmor, Ralltiir Operative, and some backup (DOS is nice backup early, adding another icon, and can use Reflection) at the <>Spaceport docking Bay. If they battle at the docking bay, you can use Fallen Portal for a nice surprise, or just use It’s A Trap. Or if worse comes to worse, just use a Houjix.

 Once you’ve established position at the <>docking bay, get out the key Effects and the sectors. Getting the sectors out quick helps, but you really only need one in the early game. The Effects you want out (in order of priority) are Koensayr Manufacturing, Docking And Repair Facilities, and Rebel Fleet. While you’re getting that stuff out, don’t forget to deploy the Y-Wings to the <>docking bay for free, retrieving with Marmor. From there, the Y-Wings can take off to the system for free. Get some ships at Ralltiir, preferably a capital ship, some Y-Wings, and Elyhek Rue (on Red 7 if you can, but he works on a Y-wing too).

 Then start sending the Y-Wings into the sectors. Deploy a Y-wing to the Big One when you get it out. You can drain for up to 4 at the Big One (Elyhek Rue and 3 other sectors), activating 2 there with No Questions Asked, and the opponent gets no icons there, and it’s a nice place to deploy Asteroid Sanctuary. Elyhek Rue lets you drain for at least 2 at the other sectors, which is nice. And when the Y-Wings are lost due to asteroid destiny, retrieve them. Koensayr Manufacturing gets one back every control phase. And/or you can just use Reflection. Or Figrin Dan. And/or you can just deploy another Y-Wing to the db while Marmor’s there. Or use It’s A Hit. Or you can use All Wings Report In with enough Y-Wings out. The retrieving capabilities of this deck are not to be underestimated.

 Worried about activation? Relax. Staging Areas and No Questions Asked both help you activate at the locations you occupy. Staging Areas especially helps, since you start with it, and can deploy a docking bay from Reserve. That can be 6 Force just from the docking bays. And don’t forget the opponent’s locations, your system, and one for yourself. The sectors give you an extra icon each, with activation at them being +1 with No Questions Asked. And you really don’t need much Force. The Y-Wings deploy free at the <>docking bay. And they can take off from the docking bay for free. Knowing that it’s free can save you a few Force right there. Oh yeah, Daughter Of Skywalker adds another icon at the <>docking bay. Trust me, you don’t need much Force, and you activate plenty enough.

 Worried about their drains? Use Projection Of A Skywalker and Landing Claw to help block drains. Not to mention Rebel Fleet. Or It’s A Hit. And don’t forget Menace Fades, which is easy to get going. Or the fact that this deck retrieves so much, so the drains don’t hurt much in the first place. Drains are definitely not a problem with this deck.

 Worried about battles? In space, you can use Alternatives To Fighting, or Hyper Escape to flat-out cancel the battle. On the ground you can use It’s A Trap. Fallen Portal, Spiral, and Out Of Nowhere (the combo card, can be used with Red 7) all provide surprises for the opponent when they battle. And if worse comes to worse, Houjix can be used anywhere. With 3 Houjixs in the deck, and with all the retrieving going on, you’ll almost always have one in hand, so the opponent can’t make you lose any Life Force from battling, which is very good. With these cards in your hand, you don’t need to worry much about the opponent battling you.

 Worried about your drains and damage? You have 6 locations to drain at. Elyhek Rue and the Ralltiir Op both add to drains. The Big One provides a nice drain. And then there’s Asteroid Sanctuary, which can make the opponent lose 4 more Force every turn. So you can do some decent damage. Even if you have all the locations out, but you only control the Big One with Asteroid Sanctuary there, that’s still making them lose 7 Force during your control phase. From one location, might I add. But normally you’ll control more than just the Big One, so you can do more damage. And even if you’re not doing much damage, you’ll at least be doing a little bit, all you need to do is outlast them, retrieving whatever damage they do to you.

 Worried about retrieval? Koensayr Manufacturing, It’s A Hit, Corporal Marmor, Figrin D’an, Reflection, and All Wings Report In all let you retrieve. Docking And Repair Facilities doesn’t exactly retrieve, but it does let you avoid losing a card, which it can do every turn. Reflection, Koensayr, and Figrin all work every turn. That’s 3 Force you can retrieve every turn. That really adds up. All Wings Report In can let you retrieve a lot at one time, up to 9. Corporal Marmor lets you retrieve a Force when you deploy a Y-Wing to the <>docking bay, which you’ll be doing a lot. And It’s A Hit let’s you take a Y-Wing into hand from Lost Pile, and from there you could maybe deploy it to the <>docking bay with Marmor, therefore retrieveing It’s A Hit. Retrieval is not a problem. 

 Feel free to deploy lone Y-Wings to systems, with a Houjix, Alternatives To Fighting, or Hyper Escape in hand. This is so fun... versus TIEs, I deployed a lone Y-Wing to his Sullust, he deployed 8 cards there (1 Dreadnought, 7 Interceptors). He battles, I Houjix. Next turn I retrieve the Y-Wing, and retrieve the Houjix. So he had to deploy 8 cards to get me to lose... well, nothing. If he wants to do that it’s perfectly fine to me. Another fun thing to do is to deploy Liberty alone... it forfeits to Used Pile, then you can use Houjix.

 Docking And Repair Facilities is so fun. With it and Koensayr out, what happens is that you get back 2 of the Y-Wings lost to asteroids every turn (one of them eventually into hand). But you can do so much more. For instance, you may deploy a lone Y-Wing to their Kashyyk. They drop some stuff, they battle, you forfeit the Y-Wing, it goes to D&RF, you use Houjix. Next turn, you get that Y-Wing back into hand. Their turn, they drain at Kashyyyk, but you cancel the drain using that Y-Wing and Rebel Fleet. You turn, deploy the Y-Wing from Rebel Fleet to the Big One. Next turn drain for 4 at the Big One, then it’s lost to asteroids, but it goes to D&RF. Next turn just take it into hand, deploy it to the <>docking bay for free, retrieve a Force, then it takes off to Ralltiir. Then maybe next turn you’ll send it back into the asteroids, starting the cycle all over again. D&RF let’s a single Y-Wing do so much, and don’t forget the great combo it makes with Rebel Fleet, among other cards.

 The mains just provide backup, and maybe a small beatdown or 2... but only attempt a beatdown if their forces are spread thin, or if they’re really not expecting it, maybe they don’t think you pack much ground force.

 Jeroen Webb is the utility character. I got him in my first pack ever, and he’s been in my LS deck ever since. As long as I have him, he’ll never come out. Sentimental? Yeah... but he’s so cool too. A spy, deploy 2, forfeit 6, ability 2 pilot is actually quite useful. Use him as a spy to infiltrate their site. Use him as a pilot in space. Use him as the scrub at the H1DB. Forfeit meat. Backup. Whatever you use him for, he’s cool.

 It’s A Hit, The Signal, Tunnel Vision, Jedi Levitation make it pretty easy to get just about anything you want. This deck cycles through itself pretty well, you can normally get any card you want in a turn or 2.

 Oh, and if you didn’t figure out already, you won’t be flipping the Objective. You don’t need to.

 I’m still messin’ with this deck a lot, any suggestions, tips, whatever are welcome. Matchups


 A long tough game, but you should win. Just outlast them, blocking their drains, using the sectors to your advantage, and be careful. Generally try to annoy them as much as possible, harassing them at every opportunity. A fun matchup... a typical turn for them is like they drain, you cancel the drain, they groan, they deploy a few TIEs to your Y-Wing that’s alone, they battle, you Houjix, they groan. Your turn, you retrieve that Houjix, the Y-Wing, a few other cards, they groan even more. From there, the possibilities are endless. Just hang in there, and don’t give up.


 MKOS, Court, CCT, whatever, just outlast them. They can’t drain for too much, and even if they do you can handle it. Feel free to beatdown on Tatooine if you can, especially with Lando. But don’t try too many beatdowns. Just wear them down gradually, continuing to retrieve as much as possible. Don’t forget to use All Wings Report In when you have 7 or more Y-Wings out. Doing this in the end-game definitely has some jaw-drop potential.

 Haven’t had much experience in terms of matchups with this deck, sorry...

 This deck does have some weaknesses. Secret Plans makes your retrieval costly, and slows you down a lot. No Escape can really screw you over if they take over your <>docking bay. A well-timed Probe Telemetry can be devastating. But I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that any time soon. ;-) But please, don’t give the deck one star, saying ”No Escape and/or Secret Plans screws you.” I realize the deck has weaknesses, every deck does.

 In general, against any deck just try to outlive them, retrieving a whole lot. Deal them as much damage as you can, and feel free to abuse Houjix, using the same one multiple times in a game. Tech oozes out of every pore in this deck... try finding some of it out yourself. There are so many little tricks you can do... it’s just so fun. Thanks, any comments are welcome, I realize it isn’t the best deck, but it’s extremely fun, and isn’t having fun the most important thing? '