Slow Poison

Title: Slow Poison
Author: Mark "yodarth" Kloida
Date: Feb 15, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting Stuff (8)

Bring Him Before Me/TYFP

Death Star II Throne Room

Insignificant Rebellion

Your Destiny

Prepared Defenses

Imperial Arrest Order

Mobilization Points

You Cannot Hide Forever

Locations (6)

Endor Landing Platform (Docking Bay)

Death Star II Docking Bay



Endor Back Door

Cloud City Downtown Plaza

Characters (19)

The Emperor

Prince Xizor x2


Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand x2

Grand Moff Tarkin x2

Lord Vader x2

Darth Vader, DLOTS x2

Ponda Baba & Dr. Evazan

God (aka Janus Greejatus)

IG-88 With Gun

Dengar With Blaster Carbine

4-LOM With Rifle

Sim Aloo

Miyoom Onith

Starships (7)

Zuckuss In Mist Hunter


Bossk In Bus

Dreadnaught x2

Dengar In Punishing One

Boba In Slave I

Weapons (3)

Vader’s Stick x2

Mara’s Stick

Effects (5)

Lateral Damage (Japanese)


Secret Plans

Search & Destroy

Emperor’s Power

Interrupts (12)

Imperial Barrier x2

Sense & Uncertain Is The Future

Sense x2

Alter x2

Ommni Box & It’s Worse x2

The Circle Is Now Complete

You Are Beaten x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

NOTE Change 1 Ommni Box/It’s Worse to a Battle Deployment. Anti-WYS and you’ve got the ships for it too.

Responses to reviews

Ooryl_909 You bet it can beat ya )

Palleon, spirajira Just couldn’t think of a better title. It’s actually fast enough to sit a couple turns saving up Force for beatdowns against some decks )

pakkratt Yes it is. Thanks.

Josk Gatrez I agree.

deadbeat Um…ok. Take out characters and key interrupts and put in more ground to cover with less characters and more unessessary effects. Do you know how to play BHBM? At least this one doesn’t do that.

Harbinger I love BHBM too. Since DII its the only deck I’ve played, I just keep finding new versions. It’s just an awesome deck. The Emperor is really needed at the Throne Room when I start battling. With Xizor with him I should be safe, if I really feel in danger one of his aides can drop by. Anyone know if like say I put the DII Emperor down then if later on I can pull him from the deck and replace the D*II one? Miyoom can come in handy, not a big deal if she does or doesn’t hit. It could be a good spot to take her out though. Thanks for a VERY helpful review

waid Most BHBMs only have 4 Vaders. You don’t need more. You don’t depend on him EVERY second of the game like Hunt Down. With 2 battle destiny in every battle you should easily get 5-6 battle destiny total, meaning 7-8 attiriton at least. With slices, dices, and chokes it works out fine. Emperor’s Power and Xizor allow you to keep some beef while still drawing good destiny and getting in a fair amount of attrition.

End Review Responses

Start Secret Plans if you suspect retrieval, like against WYS especially. First turn, before activating pull Carida and Emperor’s Power. Theres 2 more Force for you the entire game and the opponent can only drain you at Carida for 1 and a key effect.

Then pull the Death Star II Docking Bay. Drop The Emperor there. Next turn go get the Endor Docking Bay. Unless you’re really afraid of a beatdown drop Xizor or one of Palpy’s aids there for some quick Force. You’ll be activating plenty early. Now you’ll start getting people ready to fight. When you know Xizor or an Emperor’s Aide isn’t going to hold the Endor Docking Bay move him to the Death Star II one. Move Palpy over and Emperor’s Power will be in effect.

Get Xizor with the Emperor and you have at least 2 battle destiny in EVERY battle (unless you know you dont need it) and are adding +2 attiriton. Sweet. A DVDLOTS with a stick can YAB, choke, swing, and has 2 battle destinies with +2 attrition. A LV loses the choke ability but has a huge defense value and is almost a sure hit with his stick. With Dr. E and Disarmed you’re getting rid of the mains, Miyoom can be a docking bay dropper, especially good mid-late game at the docking bay, and gets rid of good characters. Mara, Tarkin, what not. Excellent beatdowns with enough Force to do it. Circles, Barriers, YABs, plenty of defenses. Ommni Box & It’s Worse is a nice used 5 that makes sure they’re not tracking and can really hurt those who use It Could Be Worse. Carida is great. Mid game while they’re concentrating on the ground just drop a ship or 2 there and you’re hitting them for 2.

Against space lose YCHF, get S&D. Simple. The Endor Docking Bay is 1 battleground, get one more and they’re really screwed. Your space is great, trust me. Lateral Damage + anything. You won’t need all your mains on the ground, and some make excellent fodder.

Reasons for using certain cards

The Emperor, 2 Xizors, Emperor’s Power

It can be surprising. But you can easily add 2 destiny in every battle with +2 attrition. It really has a lot of advantages. And it is MUCH more stable against Rebel Scout Luke. If he forces you to the Throne Room you have a lot of help instead of having a stranded Vader and a lot of problems.


You probably won’t be using its hyperspeed half the time anyways, so its not an issue. Look 7 deploy for 9 power. Nice. You’ll have a bounty hunter in ship of someone for backup. If you want 2 more ability and 3 more power you can use the Executor, but you’re paying over double for it. This can REALLY come in handy, trust me…7 deploy for 9 power.

Non-Combo Sense and Alters

They don’t cancel each other out. Can’t win SAC wars that way.

2/2 sites/system

MWYHL and Menace Fades can’t stop your drain of 2 unlike the drain +2 systems. No Cantina because half the light decks are WYS and they’ll have one anyways. Sullust is pretty sweet mid-late game.

Deck match-ups

Profit Your choice wheather to drop Mara and Dengar or Dr. E and Ponda there or not. If you do, make sure you reinforce. You have to deal damage somewhere else also, otherwise you’re screwed. By the time they free Han they have to not have enough Force left to survive, IF they can free Han at all. If you don’t drop your aliens, set up Emperor’s Power with Xizor there. In each battle you should be able to gun or destiny down 2 mains. That’ll hurt. And unless they’re really packing space you should easily be able to rule it.

WYS Guri is good. Battle Deployment hurts them big time. In space Battle Deployment will help, but don’t be stupid and go after the Superfalcon. On the ground, even with the +2 forfeit to smugglers, forfeit=0 guns vs. low ability smugglers are great. Your destinies and attiriton with your high forfeit will overwhelm them. The SA is useless, unless you sneak it in early, but YABs, taking away Luke, this shouldn’t be too hard of a win. If they go all space its bad for them. You get sticks on Vader and Mara and S&D working, drain them for huge amounts they’re dead. If you want add in Death Mark….Han or Dash could have problems if they’re sitting in space.

MWYHL All your drain sites are 2/2s, so cancelling your drain mods isn’t doing anything but taking away stick additions. If they’re in space, Lateral Damage and DiPO whips swarms, the rest just kill mains ships. Against ground

drain in space. Your people should be able to respond to any mains by whipping them. Barriers, YAB, Circle, what not.

Eloms Oh please. They’re not a problem. You have tons of non-Imperial characters that do major damage. And if I must say, non-unique aliens tend to die in large numbers. DVDLOTS + stick chokes 1, slashes another, battle destiny kills 2 more. Nuff said.

EBO S&D set up, Lateral Damage, in space they will have to have a lot of stuff not to be taken down. Your S&D and ground drains will hurt them as it is.

This deck can beat anything. Its awesome. Try it. It’s 11-1 in tourney play, besides a few minor adjustments that have been made throughout the time, and its beaten all kinds of players with all kinda of decks.